Soft paywall, more of a minor speedbump.
This is hard to dismiss as a mere “hit piece”. The main point is some people expressing concern that one erratic person, sometimes seemingly pro-Russian, has so much control over important infrastructure. The main example is Ukraine, but Taiwan is mentioned too. Despite measured negativity, it is also mentioned how Starlink has helped Ukraine, with a positive comment from Ukraine’s digital minister.
It also has some nice animations and pictures (though the Starlink interconnect diagram looks hopelessly wrong).
I believe that international treaties require that each orbiting object be marked with the responsible nation, and that that nation has jurisdiction over it. I don’t know how the International Space Station is handled. I could probably quickly search for it, but I shouldn’t be spending time on this at the moment anyway (working hours).
Yeah, though honestly Elon could actually make his own country at this point and/or launch from international water.