I grew up in a blue collar family. We didn’t have much money, but it wasn’t bad. My father always complained about not having enough. My first relationship was with someone who couldn’t handle money and we got into big trouble which I fear still influences me psychologically. So these things shaped me. I am currently in a position where I managed to save a little over 10.000 euro in 4 years. I am in “need” of something that will cost me 3000. So I can afford it right now. But it feels wrong and drives me into a panic. I could wait another year when I would have saved another 2500 probably. But it also feels it might diminish my ability to deal with any financial problems that might arise in the mean time. Esp. since there is a (slim) chance I will move into another house which could cost me well beyond 10.000. I am in a relationship where my partner has saved 3000 and we have a joint account with almost 4000 in excess as well. So cognitively I know I am probably financially safe rn, but spending 3000 on -what I consider luxury (a new PC)- feels wrong.

I’m not looking for a “do/don’t do it” answer. But I am looking for perspectives. What would you do in my situation?

Edit: I didn’t think I would get that much replies, let alone so many helpful and considered ones. THANK YOU, everybody! For those who question my need for a 3000 computer. I did put it in quotes; but yeah, it could be a cheaper one, which I always went with in the past (I also always overestimate my budget when spending so it would in all likelihood be more in the 2000 range). I just figured since I can afford one now, why not get one that will last me 10+ years. And no, it isn’t a Apple 😱 I do some gaming but also 3D modeling as a hobby. Anyway, I decided to wait another year. Again, my thanks for all your replies 🥰

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I would never 3000, 3/10ths of your life savings according to you, for a PC. I would use that money on something that will improve the quality of your life or an asset to invest in. Buying land, starting my own business, spending a year traveling, a cheap van and some car camping stuff to put it in. Trust me modern video games aren’t worth it. Buy a 500$ premade ibuypowerpc or a used ps4/Xbox/switch. Or a steam deck. Actually steam deck is your best bet.

    Here’s a mental excersise to help you out. Think of that 3000$. Now think of all the hours you had to work at your likely shitty wage job to build up that much money. Now ask yourself if an electronic computer box is worth trading all those hours of your life for. Its okay to spend big, but not on worthless entertainment you need to stare at a screen for. Life is much bigger than that and you won’t live forever. Do yourself a favor and go experience something new. You’ve probably sat in front of a screen enough for a lifetime already

    • Orac@feddit.nlOP
      1 year ago

      I debated whether or not I should respond to your reply for a few hours now. I just want to point out that everyone is different and have their own circumstances. I recognise you do not know me and know nothing of my circumstances. Mainly because I didn’t divulge them because I thought they be irrelevant. But I have a disability which makes it difficult for me to go outside and impossible to travel. My life takes place 90% at home. And while I am mobile and can do other things besides sitting behind a computer, it is my main “escape” from my situation (besides tv, books, etc.) And I am also ashamed to admit I do not have a “shitty wage job” but a “shitty disability income”.

      • Smokeydope@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Thank you for taking the time to reply. I apologize for assuming your situation. I definitely understand everyone’s life circumstances are different. I hope that you can still find ways to improve the quality of your life despite your daily challenges and perhaps find a few new hobbies to enjoy.

        3000$ on a gaming PC is still a bit overkill IMO but if you truly feel that you want it in your heart of hearts go for it. You are the only one who knows what’s best for you. I would heavily recommend you look into the Steam Deck first, like seriously consider it. Its the biggest technological innovation gaming PCs have made to date, again in my opinion.

        If you can still use your hands to a normal capacity a way to make extra money would be consider learning to crochet, sew, or knit with hemp yarn and cloth. Hemp made items are making a huge comeback here in the US right now and people are willing to pay good $ for any quality hemp item. If you can manage to learn tailoring/clothes making you can make big bucks and you can do it from home through etsy.