I’ve been producing such high quality effort ports, but someone they’re not getting noticed. It must be the new algorithm that they’re pushing now. Can you honestly tell me that these bangers got ZERO upvotes:

  • Coffee shop workers aren’t actually proletarian
  • Tattoos and beards are distracting and thus need to be stopped
  • You’ll be a better leftist if you move to the Global South
  • Enjoying things is bad actually
  • Actually Biden was right about student debt
  • Ten reasons why John Brown should be cancelled
  • For the love of God stop spamming Pig Poop Balls!!!
  • You can’t be a communist and love dogs
  • Star Trek is pretty mid

Some of these posts got downbear , which I’m sure is just corrupted data on the router at the server end. Can the devs get on this, so I get the recognition that I deserve.