Brazilian, here. For some personal reasons, I accrued some debt. Nothing eye watering, specially when converted to dollars, but nevertheless a quantity that has to be paid. I’ve been in talks with the bank over possible ways to make it a bit more palatable, and in typical fashion they’ve been unhelpful, uncooperative and largely pretend I don’t exist until it’s time to make a payment. Well, just now, they cashed out too much money before I got to pay (for the stated purpose of paying the debt), so I can’t actually pay the damn thing. As a result, I’ll have to go through all sorts of hoops and probably get a huge hit to my financial situation, possibly even pay legal fees, all while they sit on their moneybags and do nothing. They also chose to do it at the worst possible time of the year, when everybody burns their cash to buy trinkets for each other, so I’m not even sure how I’ll get the money.

TL;DR: Don’t ever trust a bank.

  • Gabu@lemmy.mlOP
    9 months ago

    It varies a lot, since I make a living from commissions and they’re super irregular. Generally speaking, after necessities (food, water, rent and internet), I have less than 100 usd left over. Also, it’s not really an overdraft fee.

    there’s not a whole lot here to help you with unless you just want to rant about banks

    That’s pretty much what I wanted to do, yes. Never have I left a bank thinking “wow, I love what they do for me”.

      9 months ago

      Totally understandable you’d want to just vent, that’s a rough situation you’re in.

      What’s the nature of your commissions? You mean sales commissions, or are you an artist?

      • Gabu@lemmy.mlOP
        9 months ago

        Artist. Publicly, I keep my artwork on the same handle as I’m using here on Lemmy (although you might not find it too easily, DDG is only returning results for a different artist when I look).

      9 months ago

      Another option is to sublet the flat you are living in? Airbnb is usually offering the ability to rent out only a room from your flat, but you might check the local regulations first. Limit your food/entertainment costs by shopping at discounters.

      There are food banks, and even opportunities to buy really cheap food that’s close to its expiration date.

      Make a strict budget of how much you are able to spend per week for food, essentials, etc. and try to stick to it.

      Try to advertise your artwork, to increase the visibility. Get some part-time job, etc. and good luck mate!

      • Gabu@lemmy.mlOP
        9 months ago


        Is not really a thing around here.

        Another option is to sublet the flat you are living in?

        No way in hell I’m giving someone access to my pets without being acquainted to them for several years, first.

        Limit your food/entertainment costs by shopping at discounters

        Outside of Canada/US/Europe/Japan, things aren’t that easy. Entertainment costs for most people, me included, are already zero. We also only ever shop at a discount because that’s how we all grow up - only rich people get to pick and choose.

        Make a strict budget of how much you are able to spend per week for food, essentials, etc. and try to stick to it.

        Same as above.

        There are food banks, and even opportunities to buy really cheap food that’s close to its expiration date.

        We generally call that substandard living. At that point, might as well be a literal slave.

        Get some part-time job

        That doesn’t really exist here either. Besides, if I could “just get another job”, there wouldn’t be a problem to begin with, right?