The fucking Muppets arenā€™t entertaining. At all. Not even a tiny little bit. First of all, who is their intended audience, even? Not kids, really, because they contain a bunch of references to stuff that kids really wonā€™t get. Kids donā€™t really know how a rock drummer is supposed to behave. They wonā€™t find Kermit and Miss Piggyā€™s couple dynamics relatable. They donā€™t understand that Fozzie Bear is supposed to be an old-fashioned standup comedian. Itā€™s all a bunch of weird cultural callouts, from a very specific 1950s-through-1970s American time period. Even kids in the mid-1970s didnā€™t actually understand what they were seeing.

But, on the other hand, none of that shit is appealing to adults. At least, it shouldnā€™t be. The pig woman is low-key horny all the time, but isnā€™t being satisfied by the naked frog guy? Thatā€™s funny to you? Those old guys are trolling everyone from the fake balcony seats, but they canā€™t ever actually put together an actual joke? You canā€™t understand what either the chef or the scientist guy is saying?


It just isnā€™t fucking funny. Any of it. And itā€™s really not cute. Itā€™s allllll just fucking stupid, from start to finish.

I donā€™t get what the appeal was ever supposed to be, and Iā€™m pretty sure it only got popular because a large number of people were simultaneously afraid that they were missing the joke, missing references, missing SOMETHING, and they didnā€™t want to be seen as stupid, soooooo they agreed with the small number of shitheads, who were like ā€œBRILLIANT! THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE PUPPETRY FOREVER!ā€

Puppetry is a shit-tier medium, anyway. Yeah, I said it. Real controversy Iā€™m kicking up, huh? Yeah, you all KNOW puppetry sucks. It originated during the Classical and Medieval periods, when people desperately needed entertainment, but couldnā€™t stand to look at the faces of the other villagers for one more second, even if theyā€™d written a play, and it was the only thing you could go and see, other than your walls.

The only SENSIBLE reason that the fucking Muppets are actually beloved is that people in the English-speaking world all watched Sesame Street, and that show is tangentially associated with the Muppets. And thatā€™s fine. But itā€™s actually a kidsā€™ show. And itā€™s not really the same exact thing as the Muppets. The two franchises are related, but Sesame Street actually teaches kids the alphabet and shit.

And fuck Jim Henson, himself. He was just some guy with a beard and a MASSIVE EGO. Youā€™d have to have a giant fucking ego to shit out that kind of nonsense, with such utter confidence. If only heā€™d been able to actually write comedy or drama, he probably WOULD have been a great man. But he couldnā€™t, so he wasnā€™t. He was just a weirdo with a puppet fixation, who had a knack for jamming his foot into Hollywoodā€™s door, before anyone could close it on him. Moreā€™s the pity.

Stop lionizing a deeply and pathetically unfunny, uninteresting man, just because he died tragically. Lots of people die tragically. It doesnā€™t retroactively give them talent.

EDIT: hmmmmmm, it seems as if my UNPOPULAR OPINION, which I posted in the place for UNPOPULAR OPINIONS is immediately proving to be pretty UNPOPULAR. Please keep this in mind, when youā€™re getting ready to type your personal attacks.

    9 months ago

    Aight, lemme see ifā€™n I canā€™t match the goofy ass rant energy hereā€¦

    Motherfucker, we had lawn dartsā€¦ 6" long finned metal spikes that you threw across the yard at a hula hoop. Think Cornhole, but with giant stabby thingsā€¦ We shot each other with bb guns, on fucking purposeā€¦ You know why?

    Because TV had maybe ten channels. VCRs didnā€™t even exist. If you wanted to watch a movie, you dug through 15 pages of schedules in a little comic book looking deal that came in the Sunday paper (and if you didnā€™t get a Sunday paper, well fuck youā€¦) looking to see if it was gonna show that week and when, and hopefully you were able to watch TV whenever the hell it was gonna be on, which never once fucking happened to anybody everā€¦

    We had cartoons on Saturday morning until a bunch of singing Mexican kids came on, and then it was whatever was on the damned thing. You got days of our lives, Dallas, some fucking nutjob recruiting for shit like jonestown (there was always one on one of the channels), mr ed, or the fucking muppetsā€¦ We watched the fucking muppets because it wasnā€™t in fucking black and white, didnā€™t have a talking horse or a bunch of goofy ass Germans making bad jokes, and we really didnā€™t give a fuck who shot JR because we didnā€™t even know who the fuck he wasā€¦

    Knight Rider and A Team were ā€œprime timeā€, wich didnā€™t mean it was what everybody was streaming, it meant it showed in the hours betweern school/work and bedtime when people had time to watch. There was exactly ZERO ability to make anything appear on that fucking TV except whatever 10 options you had at any given time, until the Atari came out.

    The Muppets were our Biden. Not great by any metric whatsoever, but the alternatives were all crap, so it was what we went with and we all enjoyed the lack of shitshow alternativesā€¦

    • Chill Dude 69@lemmynsfw.comOP
      9 months ago

      Three things. Four really, but Iā€™m leaving the fourth un-numbered:

      1. You make a bunch of excellent points, unironically.

      2. I will take the ā€œmatch the goofy ass rant energyā€ remark on the chin. Hands up, dead to rights, you got me on that one.

      3. Most importantly, itā€™s refreshing to see anyone of your generation unreservedly admitting that all sane people have to choose Bidenā€¦or else, well, youā€™re not actually sane.

      On the other hand, your generation also voted for Ronald Reagan. If youā€™re one of those voters, you can eat my Millennial ass. I know ass-eating is more of a Gen-Z thing, but Iā€™m young at heart.

        9 months ago

        Important to note, that had people never tried trickle-down economics, then we wouldnā€™t have data telling us about its effects. This is kinda just how the ā€œmarch of historyā€ works, its how the data that can be used to fill textbooks gets generated in the first place.

        Itā€™s like wishing a lab experiment had never been done just because it resulted in disproving something. Itā€™s good that it disproved something, thatā€™s helpful.

        • Chill Dude 69@lemmynsfw.comOP
          9 months ago

          If we arenā€™t both in a concentration camp in five years, Iā€™ll continue to agree with this comment. If we are, well, it doesnā€™t really matter.