• CatOnTheChainWax@lemmy.today
    5 months ago

    I taught in Louisiana in an open enrollment charter school. The charter system there might as well be legal segregation. We were around 90% black students, while the much bigger nicer test-in charter school that we were right next to and could see through our windows all day was like 95% white. Guess what school got all the money, athletic fields, etc. our school didn’t even have a gym in the decrepit 120 year old building that was falling apart around us. The two schools were supposed to share the athletic field between them when they transitioned from public schools to charter (post Katrina). The white school built a fence around it blocking access to our students.
    The whole charter system was a mess the entire time I worked with it.

      • CatOnTheChainWax@lemmy.today
        5 months ago

        I want everyone to know the pain of seeing young black kids playing on our shitty little blacktop court yard with two broken ass courts like a fucking prison yard. And them being stuck behind that fence watching white kids run track, play football, soccer, just having a field. Before Katrina the two schools were a public middle and highschool that shared a sports field in-between them. Then the rightwing and left and everyone of them ghouls took advantage of a city crying for help and they murdered it. Fuck anyone that says a charter, private, or religious organization should take the place of our public schools, and get public funding. Instead of ranting I’m gonna type RANT🤬😤😠😥😮‍💨😢😞🤬🤬🫤😡🙄😥RANT RANT and y’all get it. I’ve been to the border wall between San Diego and Tijuana and it felt like that, people so close and completely shut away from me, and an oppressive presence watching over keeping you from taking those few steps to get close and talk through the barrier. I was young and naive still and thought that the civil rights movement won. I learned I was so wrong. Felt like Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider totally out of my element in a world I didn’t understand and about to be beat down by the realities of the deep seething malice under every action of the local and state government against the good and benefit of the people. Latoya Cantrell is a fucking criminal fucking off in Germany or some where that’s done nothing but criticize and mock and ignore the citizens of new Orleans while enriching her self through the office. She should be following trump in a corruption trial.

    • andros_rex@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      District I worked in has a “magnet school” - still public but you have to test to get in and it’s fairly nice - the rest of the schools are falling apart and literally violate fire codes with how packed they are. State policies let you transfer to whatever district you want.

      So what happens is that (white, upper/middle class) parents will transfer their kids into the district to try to get into that school. If they don’t, they transfer to their home district. So the best funded school in the district doesn’t serve kids who live in the district. Only HS with a substantial white population.