• 391 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Honestly, I’m with you - I’ve had people here even get indignant about how “easy it is” to install and use. Yet I have never seen someone here share clear, simple instructions. The official install instructions have phrases like “high quality standards compliant USB-C cable” or “Get a carrier agnostic device” or “4th and 5th generation Pixels only show the first 32 bits of the hash so you can’t use this approach.”

    How do I know if my USB-C cable is compliant? How do I make sure my device is carrier agnostic? Hash? I know for most people here, these are trivial questions, but they are opaquely technical for 99% of the people out there. That’s fine, by the way - there is nothing wrong with a quality OS meeting the needs of a hobbyist community with the technical know-how to use it. Just don’t pretend that it is not a niche OS or that it is simple and user-friendly. I say this without any criticism, just as a basic reality check.

    PS, in case it was not obvious, please do not answer the example questions. I know that they have answers and that many people here have that knowledge at hand. They are examples of just a few issues that require a base technical knowledge that not everyone possesses.

  • I’m currently about halfway through setting up a home server on an old/refurbished Dell PC. It has enough compute to transcode if needed, but no more. I’ll have to upgrade the storage to set up RAID. For software, I am running xubuntu, which offers the benefits of the great community and documentation of Ubuntu. It is very beginner friendly, but is a bit simpler and lighter than gnome. I’m running everything I can as Docker containers.

  • I’ve been using Kagi for the better part of a year. I find it removes about 2/3 of the time and effort between search and goal. There are a lot of very simple quality of life things that every search should have (and would have if not for user tracking).

    Some people have fairly said that paid search is inherently privacy unfriendly. You have to log in to use it. That doesn’t really bother me, and if it doesn’t bother you, it’s great to use a quality search where you are not the product.

  • I used to work in sales and I did a lot of cold calls. The world-weary senior sales guy would always just shake his head at me when I got frustrated. “It’s a numbers game,” he would say. “It’s just a numbers game.” In the beginning I would waste a lot of time researching each individual call, but that didn’t help me make sales. The truth was a certain percentage of people that I could call would have a need for the product I was offering. Of those people who had a need, a certain percentage would choose us over a competitor, because we were the best fit.

    Looking for a job is the same as sales. Your product is your labor. It can feel personal, as though the product is you, yourself. But you’re not selling yourself, you’re selling your work product. A certain percentage of buyers (employers) will need the labor that you can provide. A certain percentage of those will choose you over a competitor because you are the best fit. It’s a numbers game. It’s not personal, it’s just a numbers game.

  • Unpopular opinion: She would also be harassed if she had endorsed Trump.

    EDIT: I’ll admit, I got curious about what kind of comments a celeb gets on social media after endorsing Trump. Some people have said that they deserve the harassment, which is at least honest. To be totally clear, I think that Trump is uniquely evil in the modern history of America. He is a grifter and I don’t see how anyone could support him or his policies. He is a racist, chauvinist, likely rapist, dangerous for our economy, physical safety, and basic rights.

    My only point is that maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to throw stones. Taking a political stand is risky for any celebrity, and we should be respectful of people when they do. Also, vote early.

    Well, you tell me: Is this harassment?

    She the first one they would throw off the wall #handmaidstale

    I can’t with you. Next tatoo of that big forehead, should be “Pendeja”!



    Stay over there with “your people”!

    You’re White wash!


    SHUT UP, B****!

    No wonder Kanye dated you. 🤢🤮

    Joseline was right. #Disgusting.

    You are frugly.

    Says the girl who has a Black mom and white dad that only rides black 🍆 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Did you let Trump eat you up?



    Watching unedited videos of you, I’m wondering when did your face become so saggy??

    Straight up drag man.


    By those fake big teeth

    You look like you have BV.

    😂😂😂😂This heaux done lost her small mind

    I mean I guess…he must hv really grabbed her by the 🐈!!!🤷🏽‍♀️😹😹

    You’re 40 years old. Lay off the filters and you only on this level cause you slept with a football size team of celebrities

    This is what happens when rappers get airheads off the pole and empower them.

    your not to bright are you?

    Burnt out shawty


    Also, WOW, corporate social media is really a sad, angry garbage pile. Thank goodness for the fediverse.