I can understand why some well‐meaning people would be reluctant to categorize Ukraine as neofascist; you could argue that that is either an exaggeration or too vague. But military dictatorships are relatively well understood and well defined phenomena that alternative media outlets could easily apply to a present government.

So far, these pacifists are the only folks that I’ve seen categorizing Ukraine as a military dictatorship. (Well, technically they didn’t say that it was one quite yet, but I suspect that they’d call it one now.) Their observations are useful:

We call on President Zelensky to withdraw his Bill No 3553 on military dictatorship as it violates not only his public promises to voters, but, more importantly, constitutional and fundamental human rights: the right to peace, the right to work, the right to freedom of thought, belief, and to conscientious objection against military service.

We believe that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine should not rush to pass a law on military dictatorship, which undermines the constitutional foundations of a democratic civil state governed by the rule of law in Ukraine. Public discussion of the scandalous bill No 3553 should be ensured at all stages of the parliamentary procedure.

The will of Ukrainian people demanding to stop the war must be fulfilled. Parliamentarians should hear and take into account the proposals of Ukrainian pacifists about possible ways to achieve peace in our country and around the world.

(Emphasis original.)

And while the following observation doesn’t necessarily prove my claim, I find it very alarming how the head of state is in the company of soldiers a lot. Roughly half of the time that I see photographs of Zelenskyy he is standing next to a soldier… for the life of me I can’t think of any other living head of state who has been directly in the company of troops as frequently as Zelenskyy has. Not even George W. Bush comes close.

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Russian sources commonly and correctly refer to the Kiev regime as a fascist junta which is what it is at this point. That is in my opinion a much better description than the generic “military dictatorship” which is not quite accurate. It is ruled by an alliance between the most fascist elements of the military, various neonazi political organisations like Right Sector, and the SBU which has morphed under the tutelage of the CIA into a highly ideological apparatus of police repression and terror.

    Whatever ostensibly liberal elements still exist in the parliament or wherever are there purely there to provide a cover of legitimacy for this triumvirate which holds all the real power behind the scenes by controlling all organs of state violence and repression. When you control the police, the intelligence services, the military and the most militant political and paramilitary groups, you ARE the state, and whatever other constitutional civil bureaucracy or elected representatives are left become essentially a powerless rubber stamp.

    After all, what is a state if not that entity which holds the monopoly on violence in a given territory? The irony of this is that the liberals are the ones who opened this Pandora’s box of Nazi scum in the first place, they thought they could control them and use them as their muscle to enforce their neoliberal policies and crush the working class, but like happened in Weimar Germany now they have lost control and became themselves hostages to the demon they unleashed. Of course it also helps that they are aligned on a lot of things like their racist hatred of Russia/Russians and their viewing communists as their arch enemy.

    Bear in mind all of this was purposely engineered by the US and EU patiently over a long period of time, the brainwashing and the laying of the groundwork for this didn’t start in 2014, or even in 2004, it started right after Ukraine’s separation from Russia in 1991.

  • OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I would say Ukraine is definitely a fascist state at this point. The (Western) corporations are telling the government what to do and who to appoint where, all leftist parties and unions are banned and their leaders killed or imprisoned, and the military is run by Nazis.

    If Ukraine ever comes out of this war and still exists, Zelenski will likely be murdered by the Nazis. He’s their tool, in that the Western audience loves him, and his Jewish descent and “progressiveness” serve to deflect attention away from them. But they still see him as a gay-loving “filthy Jew”, and had no qualms in the past stating this (and now, these same people are getting awards and cushy positions in the government, as Zelenski is attempting to bribe them).

    If he somehow manages to survive, it will be because the West will give him safe harbor and a mansion, probably somewhere in the UK.

    But at the end, the Nazis will seize power directly, and will stay there for a long while.

    • Henkire@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Couldn’t have said it better myself. But Zelenski isn’t as ‘progressive’ as the libs like to believe lol LGBTQ+ is still largely illegally or targeted with violence and harassment.

  • ijeff@lemdro.id
    1 year ago

    Largely because the Ukrainian President is still a civilian.