Multiple Republican presidential candidates made it clear at this weekā€™s debate that the Department of Education is in danger if they are elected.

ā€œLetā€™s shut down the head of the snake, the Department of Education,ā€ Vivek Ramaswamy said. ā€œTake that $80 billion, put it in the hands of parents across this country.ā€

Conservatives see the department, which has more than 4,400 employees and in its current form dates back to 1979 after first being established in 1867, as a prime example of Washingtonā€™s meddling in Americansā€™ lives. The time has come to ā€œshut down the Federal Department of Education,ā€ former Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday.

But what would it mean to actually shutter the massive agency?

How could the department be eliminated?

Killing the Department of Education (DOE) would be easier said than done.

Conservatives have said since the creation of the department they want to get rid of it. From President Ronald Reagan and his Education secretary to President Trump and his own, Republicans have decried the departmentā€™s existence but failed to abolish it.

That is because the decision to do so is not only up to the president and would have to go through Congress.

ā€œThere would have to be some legislation to specifically outline this, but I do think it would need to have the support of the executive branch and, obviously, this is a Cabinet-level agency, so I think having the president ā€” would have to take a leadership role and help to make sure that the proposal is carefully crafted,ā€ said Jonathan Butcher, the Will Skillman senior research fellow in education policy at The Heritage Foundation, which supports nixing the DOE.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) proposed such legislation in 2021 and reintroduced it earlier this year.

ā€œUnelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., should not be in charge of our childrenā€™s intellectual and moral development,ā€ Massie said two years ago. ā€œStates and local communities are best positioned to shape curricula that meet the needs of their students. Schools should be accountable. Parents have the right to choose the most appropriate educational opportunity for their children, including home school, public school or private school.ā€

DOE did not respond to The Hillā€™s request for comment.

DOEā€™s duties would be absorbed by other federal agencies

DOE has an enormous number of responsibilities, including handling student loans, investigating complaints against schools and tracking education progress across the country.

None of the 2024 candidates during Wednesdayā€™s debate detailed how they would handle eliminating it, but conservatives have longed to see many of its tasks either completely eliminated or absorbed into other departments.

ā€œFor example, the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Education. I think that any duplicate responsibilities that it shares with the Department of Justice should be eliminated, and then the rest of that office should go to the Department of Justice,ā€ Butcher said.

    1 year ago

    This is definitely one of those places where itā€™s easy to get frustrated with rural conservative voters, voting against their own best interests.

    Kids in a state like mine already have a huge advantage because we value education and we fund it better. We also can afford to do so.

    Conservative states already have less opportunity for their kids, by interfering and limiting their education. Those kids are already disadvantaged because many areas canā€™t afford adequate funding. I understand authoritarian politicians wanting power and control, but how can parent vote for limiting their kidsā€™ future like that. Department of Education helps fund those schools, while also requiring equal opportunity and requires it be an actual education. Again, I understand politicians spreading divisiveness and outrage to control the populace, but how do parents firstly fall for the BS, and secondly vote against accepting ā€œfreeā€ funding to improve their kidsā€™ education?

    DoE is one of those ā€œtransfer of wealthā€ programs where blue states pay more, and red states take more. If I donā€™t mind paying extra to help those disadvantaged, why do they not want to accept more money to invest in their kidsā€™ future. Someone needs to talk to them about ā€œfamily valuesā€

      1 year ago

      Itā€™s simple. Rural parents and older people have been convinced over time via propaganda that ā€œthe school systemā€ is why younger people donā€™t generally share their values and ideology. This can be used in all kinds of ways to create emotional responses later.

      For example, many conservatives in the western states are convinced young arsonists are burning down forests and fields because they are homeless and feel entitled to housing. Of course, there is no proof of this, and they donā€™t think it can be climate change because they donā€™t think climate change is real.

      As a result of all this, they are very willing to take their kids out of school and switch to some homeschooling program so they donā€™t raise homeless arsonists.

      I wish I was kidding.

        1 year ago

        Damn, this is why we canā€™t have satire anymore. Who would laugh about something so unbelievable?

    • setVeryLoud(true);
      1 year ago

      If I donā€™t mind paying extra to help those disadvantaged, why do they not want to accept more money to invest in their kidsā€™ future. Someone needs to talk to them about ā€œfamily valuesā€

      Because they want to teach hate to keep the poor poor and the rich rich. A DoE will never allow that, the existence of a DoE is ā€œwokeā€.