• 20 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023

  • As the economy grows and progress creates exponentially more wealth, it’s only natural that people demand ever higher standards of living. This is good, this is how it should be.

    At the same time, generational theory is bullshit. People in each age bracket are very different, and in each of them you can find what you would call more sensitive or more tough people. And it is good, too! Some people are better at promoting change, some people are better at withstanding the status quo. Both are necessary if we want to have constant growth on a strong foundation. Oh, and every generation has stupid freaks. A lot of them, in fact.

    LGBTQ+ youth defending Palestine is not about promoting LGBTQ+ rights. It’s about fighting for a more fundamental right - right for people to live. No one in their sane mind expects Palestinian Arabs to go under rainbow flags, but it doesn’t matter for as long as life for everyone in the region is endangered. The people you call “weak” are protesting in defence of basic human rights - something “strong” people fought hard for - that are undermined in the world of today. They’d rather see a region that is unfriendly to LGBTQ+ than one that is mass grave.

    And you’re right - famous people shouldn’t be our role models! They just often happen to be so as they are in the spotlight. But we should promote other voices - scientists, engineers, economists, we should promote meaningful art, etc. etc. Parents are not always a perfect role model, as they bring with them a load of stereotypes, cognitive distortions, and are commonly conservative in the wide sense of the word, which hinders the development of new ways of thinking. But they too are undoubtedly important.

  • My message is clearly in good faith, and you just try to take it down by stating that I “know it’s wrong”.

    No, it is not wrong.

    Notice how I didn’t state my support for any third party in particular. I do not believe they can change the game, nor am I blind to imagine their candidates have any sort of influence.

    What I do say is that Democrats should lose their electorate when they don’t deliver on their promises - or else they don’t have to do it, really.

    Under those circumstances, voting for a third party allows to keep them accountable, while not giving your vote straight to Republicans, either.

  • You can always be vocal about why you didn’t vote Democrat. Voting does not mean you are restricted from saying who you voted for, protesting their decisions, and organizing.

    “Less terrible of the two” is a path to gradually degrade the rights and quality of life for everyone.

    If Dems are not forced to change, we won’t see much improvement. For as long as they’re not pressured by anything but literal fascism, they’re better off serving their sponsors than their own electorate.

    A fairly small percentage of Democratic voters vocally saying “fuck you” is enough to force Dems to either change and finally deliver on their promises or lose. Let’s hope they’ll be able to do the former.

  • One important and vocalized point is to hold Democrats accountable for their actions. This isn’t limited to genocide.

    Because as things stand, Dems can get away with anything as long as they are marginally less terrible than Republicans. And as the goalposts move every time, situation gets worse and worse.

    Voting third party might force Democrats to actually implement changes they propose in order to attract more third party voters to ultimately win the election.

  • Assuming bad faith over everyone who disagrees with you is a first step to fanaticism and vulnerability to external opinion.

    Weaponizing tribe mentality to reach your goals is very bad long-term, and makes yourself susceptible to the same trap.

    Lemmy, unfortunately, is very prone to that. Remember that time people called here for Biden to step down and were downvoted into oblivion? Where were they when he actually stepped down and everyone started cheering for Harris all of a sudden?

    There are valid reasons to NOT vote for the Democratic party in these elections, even if you clearly don’t side with the Republicans.

  • I personally have little issues with systemd (okay, services can stall sometimes, true), but I appreciate brave minds who use other init systems and keep the variety for us to enjoy should we want to.

    Just mentioned it as one of the few controversies surrounding Debian :D But then, on the other hand, there’s Devuan for those folks as well…