Not remotely. If you feel like you’ve seen everything, it might be time to consider a (literal) change of scenery. There are too many places to go, different people to meet and try to understand, books to read, flavors to taste. Seeing it online isn’t the same as seeing it in person with your own eyes. You could go a day’s walk in any direction and likely find something you haven’t seen before. You just have to be looking for it.
Humans will take any chance to reduce complex and nuanced psychology into rigid, prescriptive labels. It’s all astrology, only the flavor of the meaningless noise changes.
This is how assholes test your boundaries to see how far they can push you. It wasn’t a joke until you pushed back.
This was my favorite game as a kid. Doing fan-art and a D&D campaign about it for years got me hired on as an artist for the new one! It’s gonna be wild.
That was so incredibly disappointing.
Please remember that your DM is a person. They are also playing the game and deserve to have fun, and for their boundaries to be respected. They are not just a physics engine for your shenanigans.
That being said, some DMs in specific groups might be totally fine with this. Just don’t spring it on someone without prior discussion and consent. That is (among other things) what session zero is for.
This one is actually pretty funny!
It’s not great for every use case, but my ‘get this printable’ solution is Tinkercad. It’s pretty easy to use, but is correspondingly simple.
Followup, are they usually stacked one atop the other in places that write using Kanji?
Husbando is the only word I have ever heard used for this (other than just throwing gender to the wind and calling male characters waifu as well)
I got one of these rhat only had two in there, and one of the two didn’t even have a peanut in it.
Resident Evil: The Board Game
10, if that’s as high as it goes. I’m judging ‘perversion’ to be a combination of ‘conceptual distance from normative sex’ and ‘the degree to which the average person would be horrified by it.’ I don’t get banned from places because I’m not a jerk, but there aren’t any ‘communities’ for what I’m into anyway. I don’t think my thing even has a name, really. For that matter, it might not actually fit on a scale like this where the assumption seems to be ‘sex plus some stuff.’ My therapist thinks I should write a book about it.
It’s kind of lonely, and it’s a pain in the ass to find porn (I usually have to just make my own) but I did get lucky in that none of it involves kids or animals or anyone incapable of consent.
My roommate is obsessed with a board game based on his favorite video game, so I’ve been 3D printing accessories and pieces for it and he’s been painting them.
I like “we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it”
LEGO are the plastic equivalent of the direct carbon capture idea! Buy enough LEGO and eventually all plastic will be LEGO! This is a joke but not sarcasm I love LEGOs.
A good DM is both of these. They want you to feel that the danger is real, because higher stakes means the narrative payoff feels earned. They want you to feel like the world is wonderous, so that it feels like a thing worth fighting for.
Player: “I do something to Eric’s character against his will.”
A good DM: “No, you don’t.”
End of discussion.
Are you suggesting my good Mr. Baggins of Bagshot Row, Hobbiton is not a god among burglars?