I use it as an acknowledgement at work, and to be a sarcastic asshole with my friends. Context is key.
I use it as an acknowledgement at work, and to be a sarcastic asshole with my friends. Context is key.
sudo zypper refresh && sudo zypper dist-upgrade
Dropbox works pretty well for me, however I’m planning on building my own home server with nextcloud setup as soon as I can.
Honestly the issue isn’t Reddit, it’s just people. Most people are decent to great, with a smaller group of bad to horrible. With more people on Reddit the pool of bad to horrible is bigger, and they tend to be the loudest of the bunch.
I think I might need to step my game up. My Mr. Coffee seems inadequate now. Beautiful set up!
I’ve actually read the first three books and really enjoyed it. Somewhere down the line I forgot about the series somehow. I’ll add that to the list for sure.
I wish I could find a TV for sale that isn’t a Smart TV. It’s not necessary and you get issues like this down the road. I’m sure it isn’t too long until the other TV manufactures do the same thing.