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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • Like everyone who’s ever delt with a wanted, but dangerous failed pregnancy said would happen.

    But I don’t think Texas Republicans are upset this is happening at all. Two outcomes they are probably extremely happy about.

    African-American expectant mothers were already dying in child birth at double the rates of everyone else in Texas, now that all death rates have doubled, their rate of death is significantly high.

    Secondly, and the intention of all these cut backs into women’s basic human rights. OBs are saying their patients are entirely fearful of what the government could do to them if they have any complication during pregnancy.

    Terrifying women it’s what they wanted. Terrified women are much easier to control and abuse. No more divorce? Only having human rights if they’re married to a white man? This is great for creating an ethno state.

  • Yeah. That’s exactly it. People who have never broken in work boots, don’t get why a bare wood handle shovel is a war crime, or how long it takes a burst blister to heal. Hard work pays off? No ma’am, generational wealth pays off. People who ‘‘made it’’ to home base who were born on third really do think THEY did it all, and there must be something wrong with you if you can’t pull money out of your trust fund to ‘knuckle down’ in their aunt’s condo for a few years and do an unpaid internship. Couldn’t buy new shoes that whole time!

  • “but as I customer, I always see a store worker as a human and engage respectfully, and at least most people I know do the same”

    Yeah, that’s a HUGE problem in US culture, people are fucking awful to anyone in customer service. They look down on you like there’s some class system and they are the lords and service people are the lowest peasant. I developed a nasty habit working in service of ‘‘never falling for their bullshit’’. Never show weakness, never give them an opportunity to fuck with you. It’s actually a terrible approch to social interactions, most of normal social interactions are built on mutual trust or understanding, if you never allow either to manifest, it’s a big communication breakdown.