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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Forever DM since DnD 3.0. I averaged roughly one played session per two years. Until when I transitioned to PF2 I got 2 sessions of beginner box and 2 sessions of AP run by a volunteer. It was greatly appreciated and helped a lot with the transition.

    RE DMing, I phase it in and out. Its mostly a winter thing for me - too many good-weather-dependent hobbies in summer complicate scheduling so things need to wrap up in spring. I’m preparing to start back up in a month or two, probably every-other-weekly roughly September to April/May-ish.

    Also, Baldurs Gate 3. It’s so good (it makes me wish for a PF2 ruleset adaption mod, but even under 5e-ish rules it’s great).

  • I’m not sure I understand: rental inspection as in they look around and make sure you’re keeping the place reasonably clean and there is no major damage? Because to be blunt, in that case the agent doesn’t give a flying fuck what you or anybody else is doing, and the visit notification is pretty much “please don’t be naked.”

    I’d guess if the agent saw a relatively clean place and looked into a room to see somebody working on a computer and taking a call, she probably just decided to not bother you and to get on with the rest of her day.

    I’m just confused because I don’t understand what else could or should have happened. Are you supposed to lead the agent on a tour of your bedroom while offering them tea and cookies?

    In summary, did the inspection actually “go badly” in that you’re being charged for something or whatever? Because it sounds a lot like they saw a clean place and called it quits, which is usually the ideal outcome.