WayeeCool [comrade/them]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2021


  • Let’s not kid ourselves by calling it gimmicks or overly complicated. It is the same hardware and methods for the Russian military. It also isn’t security through obscurity. Everyone switched to software defined radios for their communication and radar for a reason.

    There are methods to combat such jamming but Ukrainian forces don’t have the training or capability. NATO can’t just magicially make the Ukrainian military into one with the capabilities of military super powers like the US, China, or Russia. The US and Russia both have the capacity, infact the Russian military is extremely capable when it comes to the electronic warfare and countering electronic warfare because their military has to be on par capability wise with the US military.

    Instead we have sad stories like what’s left of the Ukrainian air force powering down all the electronics in their aircraft as they approach the front line because they have no way to detect and counter Russian electronic capabilities.

  • The worst part is all the NATO countries are stripping the Active Protection System hardware out of Challenger, Lepord, and Abrams battle tanks before they are delivered to Ukraine. Everyone is paranoid about Russian electronic warfare learning how to jam the radar systems those NATO nations have installed in their tanks. Russian tanks currently on the front line have modern APS hardware while Ukraine is getting battle tanks that are intentionally crippled by NATO.

    Another funny and fkd up thing is what will happen with the F16 fighters Ukraine is about to have. The US has stripped out the counter measure hardware that makes an old airframe like the F16 more survivable in an environment with modern anti air missiles being fired at it. Those F16s are going to get turned by Russia into wreckage just as fast as they did with all these NATO battle tanks.

  • It’s too funny because the F16 doesn’t stand a chance against Russian air defenses. The US and NATO are giving Ukraine F16 fighters undoubtedly stripped down to the feature set reserved for buyers like Pakistan. They will lack any modern advanced electronics equipment to keep them from getting easily shot down. It’s an old fighter at this point and without the latest upgrade packages is going to be cannon fodder for Russian mobile anti air, which is actually quite advanced.

  • “Family members and friends were also told that without electricity they had been reduced to eat dry food.”

    UN rights chief Volker Turk said Bazoum’s reported detention conditions “could amount to inhuman and degrading treatment, in violation of international human rights law”.

    ECOWAS is determined to stop the sixth military takeover in the region in just three years and has severed financial transactions and electricity supplies and closed borders with landlocked Niger, blocking much-needed imports to one of the world’s poorest countries.

    No electricity for the the homes of the former president and his family when the entire nation has been cut off from electricity imports? Before this coup only 18% of Nigers population had access to electricity, so how is this inhumane for them but not the other 82% of Nigeriens?

  • I immediately went to the sections on these two topics and was not disappointed.

    Rampant US Theft of Intellectual Property and Data

    The U.S. frequently accuses other members of stealing its intellectual property. However, in fact, the U.S. has been stealing other members’ trade secrets, data and undisclosed information through various means for a long time, seriously violating TRIPS Agreement’s basic principles on intellectual property protection, failing to fulfill its obligations under Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement on the protection of undisclosed information, and posing a serious threat to the national or regional security of the victim members.

    With a wide range of targets and high frequency of attacking, cyber attacks and telephone surveillance are major methods for the U.S. to steal other members’ secrets, data and information. According to statistics results from National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China, in the first half of 2021, the center captured about 23.07 million malicious program samples, with daily average transmission exceeding 5.82 million times, involving about 208,000 malicious program families, about half of which originated from the U.S. In September 2022, Northwestern Polytechnical University of China was attacked by the U.S. National Security Agency. The university’s core technical data, including critical network device configuration, network management data and operation and maintenance data, were stolen during the attack. Investigations have unveiled that the U.S. used 41 special cyber attack weapons for the attack. What’s more, the Tailored Access Operations under the U.S. National Security Agency has carried out tens of thousands of malicious cyber attacks on cyber targets in China over the years, taking control of relevant network equipment and obtaining large amounts of data. According to reports, the U.S. has also conducted monitoring and information theft of global broadcasting, telecommunications, and the Internet through related intelligence-gathering projects.

    Rampant US Biopiracy

    American biotechnology companies are notorious for their rampant engagement in “biopiracy”. Relying on its economic and technological advantages, American biotechnology companies commercially exploit genetic resources obtained at low cost from developing countries and apply for patent protection, so as to gain huge profits. In 1997, an agriculture enterprise in the U.S. applied for 20 patents after hybridizing basmati rice with an American long indica rice, which severely restricted the export of basmati rice from India. The top agriculture enterprises of the U.S. took advantage of the ineffective enforcement of international intellectual property rules and the weakness of developing members in the protection and utilization of intellectual property rights, wantonly stealing biological genetic resources, appropriating a large number of local excellent crop trait genes of developing members. For example, the U.S. applied a large number of patents around the world on the genes for high-yield traits of soybeans originating from China, and then monopolized the market by abusing its technology and market advantages. After the completion of patent registration, the U.S. agriculture enterprises in turn charged high patent fees from many members, including the members where the patented genetic resources originating from. Such biopiracy conduct seriously damages the intellectual property rights and food security of the developing members.

  • It really depends on the quality of benefits package. For example my brother and father are white collar types working for organizations with extremely strong unions. Their compensation includes full medical/dental insurance (no out of pocket) for them and their dependents that their employer pays $6,500 a month for. Their employer contribution to the agreed upon pension plan is also thousands a month. They have showed me the itemized documentation and I’m always jealous since they get a $130K salary then their employer spends almost as much on their benefits while I’m stuck in a job where I have to pay for things like dental or major hospitalization out of pocket.

    I’m not claiming you are cheaping out on your employee benefits as a business owner but if you are paying so little I have to assume you are making your employees pay half for things like medical insurance and it’s the type of medical insurance that doesn’t cover full dental. I also have to assume you aren’t providing your employees with a full pension but instead doing the 401K match scheme employers in the US pull to avoid actually providing a robust pension plan. Most employers in the US skimp out on dental coverage and for anything other than preventive care people are expected to pay tens of thousands out of pocket for basic things like braces for their children or dental surgeries.

  • Even that is giving too much credit to the US government narrative.

    There literally are all the US mainstream news outlets like CBS News who actually had reporters there at the time: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/there-was-no-tiananmen-square-massacre/

    Also from classified US communications with assets on the ground: https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/89BEIJING18828_a.html

    Funniest thing is that “tank man” photo idiots spam on Reddit all the time. Most people in the west don’t realize there is video of it, that the guy didn’t get run over. Furthermore they assume he was blocking tanks heading towards the square, infact those tanks were at the time headed away from the square to avoid engaging with armed agitators (people with guns and grenades that had killed police) in a crowded environment. Dude was trying to make them go back.

    The deaths that day were people who got gunned down by the “protestors” or the police who were killed when the “protestors” threw grenades (military ordnance) into police vehicles. People that were armed by the CIA as part of a color revolution operation, one that failed because it didn’t actually have any support and more importantly because the PLA commander on the scene ordered his units to leave the area rather than responding in kind. The only actual protestors that day were communists having labor protests happening nearby and not the dancing libertine youth acting as the face of the US color revolution operation involving armed groups trying unsuccessfully to provoke the PLA soliders into responding to deadly attacks with deadly force in a crowded urban environment.