• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • that is conservatives favourite tactic: rebates and checks while they bleed the social support services. then rebates fall under “frivolous spending that’s ought to stop” and unsuspecting public ends up with no rebates and no social support system. works miracles, ask Albertans. UCP was set to lose and then… just before elections they’ve sprinkled some cheques here and there and… lo-and-behold: they’ve won ( going back to their shenanigans immediately after taking office ). TLDR; those things comimg from politicians are trojan horses, from comservative politicians - doubly so. System needs fixing to not stink rather than gifting everybody a gallon of Febreze…

  • he tries to walk in Zelensky’s footsteps but fails on so many fronts: while Ukraine was the victim of oppression, Israel state is the source of it, ICC issued warrant for Putin and… Netanyahu (it’s interesting how US chose to ignore court order).

    Hamas and Israel state work towards the same goal - maintain instability for their personal gain. Anybody glorifying Hamas is either stupidd or naive, so are people glorifying Israely army. To be solved this conflict requires new powers to arise on both sides that are ready for dialog and tired of fighting and able to sidestep existing powrr structures (or demolish them).

  • We can go back to “reforms” Harper government done like muzzling scientists and defunding projects serving public interest. Of course those same people would want to defund the only outlet not in their pockets. I haven’t seen a single point on Conservative agenda that is not going to harm average person short or long term. yet people still vote them in and Liberals behaving like entitled pricks do not make situation any better. Even NDP has shifted to the right. There’s no federal party with representation in Parliament that has workers as a central point of their agenda. Everything is now about business which is very much not the same