I wrangle code, draw pictures, and write things. You might find some of it here.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024


  • As someone whoā€™s doing a ton of frontend and backend, and I canā€™t stress this enough, fuck the asinine attitude that somehow everything thatā€™s even remotely web-adjacent needs to be written or rewritten in pure JS.

    Also Node is an abomination and literally every other language Iā€™ve tried is better for the backend. People love to shit on Ruby, but JS has every flaw that Ruby is criticized for and then some, and at least Ruby makes an effort to take some great design paradigms from Lisp.

  • This is brilliant and Iā€™m saving it and will post a link to it the next time someone at work asks why we canā€™t ā€œjust use AI to do itā€ when a ticket gets rejected for being stupid and/or unreasonable.


    The first is that we have some sort of intelligence explosion, where AI recursively self-improves itself, and weā€™re all harvested for our constituent atoms [ā€¦]. It may surprise some readers that I am open to the possibility of this happening, but I have always found the arguments reasonably sound.

    Yeah, I gotta admit, I am surprised. Because I have not found a single reasonable argument for this horseshit and the rest of the article (as well as the others I read from their blog) does not read like itā€™s been written by someone whoā€™d buy into AI foom.

  • Oh look, Elon openly snuggling up to Nazis and ā€œjust asking questionsā€. As if I didnā€™t hate this clown enough.

    (For anyone out of the loop: the AfD is a far-right political party in Germany and the spiritual successor to the NSDAP. Theyā€™re praising the SS, advocate for legalization of holocaust denial and historical revisionism, removal of hate crimes from the code of law, and more. Theyā€™re so openly Nazis that they got kicked out of the EU parliamentā€™s far-right ID coalition for being too fucking Nazi. Thereā€™s no leeway. Theyā€™re literal card-carrying national socialists.)

  • Many will point out that AI systems are not yet writing award-winning books, [ā€¦]

    Holy shit, these chucklefucks are so full of themselves. To them, art and expression and invention are really just menial tasks which ought to be automated away, arenā€™t they? They claim to be so smart but constantly demonstrate theyā€™re too stupid to understand that literature is more than big words on a page, and that all their LLMs need to do to replace artists is to make their autocomplete soup pretentious enough that they can say: This is deep, bro.

    I canā€™t wait for the first AI-brained litbro trying to sell some LLMā€™s hallucinations as the Finnegans Wake of our age.