• 418 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I (and many other trans folks) didn’t benefit from supportive parents, sisters and friends to provide initial advice, ongoing feedback and moral support. We didn’t have them when we were growing up, and we may not have them now. As an adult, one is expected to have already been through that experience. And, paradoxically, finding new friends and people you can trust often relies on not looking like a total mess to begin with (not to mention the expectations of employers, or the experience of people not yet out to themselves and just want to experiment).

    It sucks to have to learn this stuff in a vacuum, but that’s the situation some people are in. “Have you tried not?” is not helpful advice.

  • neuracnu@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule!
    14 days ago

    I started paying attention to this stuff back when Dolby Pro Logic was new, which was a pretty clever way to get surround effects using only left and right audio channels. Left and right channels went directly to the front left and right speakers, but it also compared wave forms coming from the left and right channels. Any wave forms that matched got sent to the center channel (like most on-screen dialog) and any that mismatched got sent to the rear surround speakers (noise, ambience, etc). It wasn’t perfect by any measure, but it was a pretty clever hack.