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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • probably@beehaw.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlBtw, I'm..
    9 months ago

    This might be my favorite meme of the month. There is a problem though. How often do they actually talk to people to end up in this quandary?

    I kid. All the love to my vegan arch users. Or arch using vegans. Whichever one you prefer.

  • probably@beehaw.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlBtw, I'm..
    9 months ago

    Language changes over time and words don’t mean the same thing forever. The entire purpose of language is to communicate. So if you have a Mac and say you are a PC user, you are failing to use language well. Apple themselves helped facilitate that change. It can be less consistent with Linux on a PC, I agree. But language is an evolving meme (as per the original definition of meme, not the cat photos). And to not acknowledge that is like being a young earth creationist with language.

    Do you also argue that anyone who is happy is part of the LGBT community?

  • Ha. Hu ha ha. Ha. Hahaha.

    Money has value because it is an efficient medium to facilitate trade. Specific forms of money have value because of what backs it and it acts as a medium for trade. And yeah I’m sure what society really values will at some point be a money that limits the ability to deal with economic crises. Or that slowly disappears, because privacy Bob didn’t believe in banks but his SSD failed, or because Crypto Karen forgot her password. Or a hacker loots an exchange.

    I mean, it’s not like those are fundamental problems that could bring an economy to it’s knees right? But hey, at least the money has privacy (it won’t) and we don’t have to worry about inflation (deflation on the other hand…).

  • I think properly funded schools with properly paid special needs instructors would leave far fewer students behind than allowing homeschooling.

    Good special needs instruction includes teaching non neurotypical people like you and me coping mechanisms for situations like social interaction. Allowing homeschooling creates one more situation where people who are typically not trained or prepared are suddenly the sole source of education for a child. And schools are an important safety net for abused children. Homeschooling is abused far more than it is helpful. And in any case that it is helpful that is only due to a failure that should be remedied elsewhere.

    At least that is currently my view and living somewhere that homeschooling is illegal but the schools are better funded has certainly not changed my mind. Evidence to the contrary would though.

  • Or perhaps the answer is to offer more methods for 18 year olds to be able to leave a toxic environment rather than having to try to balance work and school as a child. Homeschooling should be illegal. And put children’s protective services should be strengthened. None of your argument actually makes child labor the answer. In reality, what will happen more often than kids pulling themselves up by their bootstraps is parents like yours will put them to work for a trump loving christian place that reports back to the parents. The parents will be handed the money, and the child will be even more trapped due to poor education and more of an abusive system around them. Because jobs that will put 14 year olds to work will not have quality ownership.

  • This is a naive world view. Working in a toxic environment is such a drain on you already. And then if you are in a field that is hard to break in to, you worry causing any issues will get you blackballed. And you often blame yourself and truly start to believe it is you who is doing bad. And getting a lawyer and suing is usually a fucking stressful nightmare. I have these huge boxes full of paperwork that I’ve filled out over the past few years and have to keep. I will randomly need some of them. And I’ll randomly be notified to do even more shit. And it drags on for years. And my stuff is small fry compared to going up against massive company. Fucking paperwork gives me anxiety at this point.

    Then you have to think about the rabid fan base that will be sending her death threats. Doxing her. Etc. All because they decided Linus is too cool he has all the computer shit.

  • Right to the point: don’t use batocera because the one guy doing it stopped and said use his other thing koriki. Unfortunately for all cfw for the rg35xx none of the developers have released the code they are legally obligated to release, but what can you do…

    I have the rg35xx and use garlic. The fake sleep mode works well. Instant off and then it takes maybe 10ish seconds to turn back on. It definitely is fast enough that I don’t mind turning it off even when I know I’ll be turning back on in only a few minutes.

    I haven’t had a game crash on me but the automatic save states have not loaded a couple times so make sure to make your own.

    I haven’t used koriki because garlic does most everything I want. If anyone releases their source I might test that because I want to do some link cable emulation stuff, but none of that exists currently.