• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • somnuz@lemm.eeOPtoGames@lemmy.world[IMG] is [TEST]
    29 days ago

    For me the amazing part was somehow pacing. Every single time I felt like I am starting to cruise through levels, I was knocked down really hard… and my brain exploded more than a few times.

    Stunningly, this created one of the best mechanics for me — “if it was too easy, you probably missed a valuable lesson there”.

  • So…

    1. You want to learn new things and now you are getting discouraged.

    Why you wanted to learn new things? Was it adventure calling, random idea, someone gave you some advice/ideas or you were great in your imagination at them before even starting? Whatever it was, learning new things can be equally great and hard.

    1. You seem to be failing at new things.

    This is how learning works. Some people fail more and harder, or need more explanations, or more trial and error until the “thing” clicks in their head.

    Did I miss anything? There is not enough information but let me shoot in the dark:

    • The thing with diving or climbing, was it a one and done thing or do you continue doing it anyhow?

    Why I am asking? There is quite a big difference in “I want to learn new things”, “I want to try/test new things”, “I am bored and just wanna do something” and “I am seeking for a (new) lifelong passion/hobby” or even harder “I want to get really good at X”… Depending on what your actual need is, there is plenty of possibilities why the process and effects are not satisfying for you.

    • What does “looked bad” mean? Was it a comment from your instructor, or someone from the group gave you a weird look or laughed? Or you had it recorded and you compared your technique to others?

    Sounds a little like some form of stage-fright, you can process the instructions and get what the instructor is saying but the problem begins during the “performance” part? Following the instructions and so on? This is quite common, especially during group classes with random people you don’t know. They can be quite chaotic and overstimulating… There is not much you can do to avoid it, but there is a lot you can do to work through it.

    • Part about “no pressure”

    Maybe a form of group classes is too much and just not for you at the beginning — maybe one on one approach would suit your needs better?

    There are so many angles to approach this subject…

  • Your idea to use AHK script is probably the best and least intrusive. You sit down, run the script, whatever you need can be in it, you can actually really tune your input experience with some AutoHotKey magic. I catch myself adding a few more lines every year as new ideas come.

    Just remember to unload the script when you are ending your work and the next person won’t even know about it.

  • Okay, so make a script, name it whatever you feel like and paste this:

    ; The keyboard hook must be installed.
    SendSuppressedKeyUp(key) {
            , "char", GetKeyVK(key)
            , "char", GetKeySC(key)
            , "uint", KEYEVENTF_KEYUP := 0x2
            , "uptr", KEY_BLOCK_THIS := 0xFFC3D450)
    ; Disable Alt+key shortcuts for the IME.
    ~LAlt::SendSuppressedKeyUp "LAlt"
    ; Test hotkey:
    !CapsLock::MsgBox A_ThisHotkey
    ; Remap CapsLock to LCtrl in a way compatible with IME.
        Send "{Blind}{LCtrl DownR}"
        SendSuppressedKeyUp "LCtrl"
    *CapsLock up::
        Send "{Blind}{LCtrl Up}"

    Save it, run it and you should be good to go.

    edit: This is V2, just in case.

  • Yeah… as remasters/remakes go, this would be one of my favorites just right next to Crash Bandicoot series and New ‘n’ Tasty Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee. Oh! Tetris Effect kinda sorta fits in this group too.

    All of those titles deserved some new generation graphics and polish, none of them lost their fun value, vibe or overall quality in the process. Plus there is no need to emulate anything, no crack-mod-tango, so bonus points for making some of the best games ever created widely accessible.

    If one day, any studio would put the same amount of effort into Driver series or Remedy would go full nostalgia and re-do the Max Payne series — oops… I think, I ventured too deep into fantasy lands here.