1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Pointsy See, Pointsy Do will be back
We got a great big convoy across the USA! Convooooooooooy! Is this Timmy O’Toole stuck down the well? Just remembered this part too: “We’re sending our love down the well”
Oh geez, why have I only seen this episode once, and that was when I was a kid?
Aw, there’s only one beer left and it’s Bart’s.
Kids love label makers.
I genuinely had a green label maker as a kid before I saw this episode.
A favorite pastime of mine is going on Twitch streams for Stardew Valley, and convincing players to name their animals Bort.
Give no context just insist that Bort is a nice strong name for (insert type of ankmal here).
And because small streamers generally listen to, and interact with their audience, you USUALLY get some kind of discussion, if not a stardew animal named Bort.
What’s really funny is if they name a pig Bort, and later in the stream they get a chicken. And you insist that Bort is a good strong name for a chicken (after previously saying the exact same shit about the pig they got).
It’s your birthday it’s your birthday it’s your birthday boy or girl
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