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Yep, it’s real.
How does that have 151k likes
Bots, nazis, and idiots.
Yeah the ratio between that and the others is wild
X is ran by a Nazi. Those numbers could be totally fake for all we know
It’s on twitter… That’s the only answer you need.
He didnt actually mean he liked Hitler, he was just making a joke. I am not going to explain the joke because that would ruin it
(Excuses are getting harder and harder to find)
he’s just autistic, guys!
He meant grammar nazi, he didnt say that he was an actual nazi
When he said he loved Hitler, he wasnt referring to Adolf Hitler, there are thousands of people with that name
(Is this excuse better?)
deleted by creator
LMAO okay, he got me laughing with the funny guy tweet
So he’s broke
Dudes mad he doesn’t have a likable personality. “But I’ve got money!” What a laugh. Personal insecurity makes man declare himself a Nazi. Tale as old as time.
My hot take is that he is - and has always been - a shit rapper held up by his good production.
He’s never had anything interesting to say and he’s never been good at delivering it.
It’s no coincidence that (imo) his best song is POWER which his just him being megalomaniac as fuck for 5 minutes
This is what mental illness looks like. I hope he gets the help he needs and not the enablers that might end his life :/
He may be mentally ill, but during these episodes he always goes to this Nazi shit. I think the mental illness just unmasks what he really feels.
I mean at least he seems to realize in the full thread saying this shit is problematic, as opposed to just blurting it out completely unqualified per usual. Not making excuses, at the end of the day fuck Kanye, but this seems a very fine hair more sane than usual.
Maybe I am just reading into it weird, granted it’s Ye so weird is the only way it can be read shrug
Mental illness doesn’t make people nazis, just like mental illness doesn’t make people mass shooters, that’s simply not how it works.
Mental illness can make you susceptible to stuff like this
Hmmm, I seem to remember there’s a mental illness that causes one to randomly spout the most vile shit they can think of. Begins with a T?
Can you see where I’m going with that? In any case, illness can certainly make people violent. Look at Alzheimer’s for example. Hell, look at Charles Whitman. He knew something was wrong with him, and getting worse. After he was shot out of the clock tower they autopsied and found a brain tumor.
You… you aren’t trying to imply Tourette Syndrome, right? Because that’s not how Tourette’s works, like, at all. I would know, because I have it.
In reality, we have a set of “tics”, which are just small noises or motions we make uncontrollably. Of course, for some people it’s more severe, but the worst I’ve ever heard about is that some people may yell out swear words as one of their tics. But In no circumstance would it ever cause someone to type out and post “I’m a nazi” or “I love hitler”.
My late son had Tourette syndrome as well. Normally he had his physical and small verbal tics, but he also would get the bad word tics, I think it is called Coprolalia. But he literally never tweeted the stuff.
I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine going through something like that.
He must have watched that one South Park episode and thought Cartman actually had Tourette’s 😂
there’s someone at my HS has Tourettes and occasionally I’ll hear a really high pitched “fuck” along with some other noises
Of course not. I’m bringing up the fact that mental illness can cause people to act hateful, or, ya know, turn into mass shooters which OP denies is possible.
Okay, so could you clarify exactly what you meant in the first paragraph?
Having tourettes doesn’t make you post about being a Nazi…Jesus Christ that’s dumb.
No, I can’t.
Sure, he’s mentally ill, but that also doesn’t excuse being a nazi. It may explain it, but he still deserves to be punched in the mouth for it.
It’s also disingenuous and harmful to just use mental illness to attempt to dismiss it. People with mental illness already have a hard enough time living their lives without being compared to literal nazis.
Mental illness doesn’t magically make you a Nazi. Plenty of manic people just think they can fly, or make really nice art. But instead, this dude uses his platform to boost nazis.
Also, even if his mania turned him into a horrible person, it would be understandable that the first one was sudden and therefore not preventable, but this is like the second or third time he does this. So… what about his responsibility while stable to medicate and find ways to remain as stable as possible?
It’s not mental illness, the guy is just a fucking Nazi. Fuck Kanye.
I mean, the dude is undeniably mentally ill, and he likely refuses to treat it because the meds make him feel “numb” and he makes music when he’s manic. But mania is on the same classification as schizophrenia, and comes with many of the same issues.
But yeah, in Kanye’s case he’s just a fucking Nazi who happens to have rampant untreated mental illness. The mental illness doesn’t excuse the Nazi bullshit.
He’s never going to get the help he needs. The only thing keeping him alive is his wealth. If he was a normal guy he’d be in prison or dead already.
His IQ is the same as his phone password
Is his password common knowledge?
I think when Ye met with Trump in the oval office he unlocked his phone and his pin was 0000
I had guessed it would be 0001 lol
No way his IQ is 12345678
No way an iPhone has an 8 digit pin
What now?
Well now you’re an idiot, bitch.Only now?
Nah, just answering his question
This idiot, as mentally disabled and a black, would have get gassed and burned in my country, while his favourite leader was active here
A normal well adjusted individual
How is “My wife’s a bad bitch” further right that “I’m a Nazi” ?
Idk, ask jreg
None of those are leftist
There is just a failure mode with fame where in order to hold on it seems the plan is to just be as unignorable as possible.
Whenever I listen to Kanye West I just think to myself “it sure is sad the guy died in 2017”
This guy needs serioua help
Whether that help is medication and therapy or a long walk off a short pier I can’t say.
I was about to say the same. Kanye is clearly going through emotional cascades that he doesn’t know how to handle, especially after him and his wife divorced.
Yeah, and if he turns around there’s room for a sort of reconciliation but also I’ve gone through trauma and have mental illness as have many of my friends, none of us became nazis
People going through emotional whirlwind and depression are more susceptible to brainwashing. Some vulnerable people fall for it, others don’t.
True, but forgive me for reserving my empathy for until he decides to change.
i cant believe ye would do this
thank you for telling me op now i wont give him the patriot award of the hour
edit op you get a patriot award thank you for your service
Ok but can we at least appreciate that he did this in the funniest possible fashion?
Is he trying to be edgy or someshit? Ion get him.
Nah, dude is just off his meds again.
Trying to join US administration
He spent the last 12 hours constantly posting this stuff on Twitter
That’s a manic episode. Unfortunately, I’ve known people of various hues who held Nazi ideology. Then there are supremacists of all nationalities and hues.
I think we are all just people with our own sets of challenges. Marginalization/shunning doesn’t prevent this. Opportunities to care for oneself do.
Marginalization/shunning doesn’t prevent this.
It is literally the only thing that works against Nazis/fascists besides violence. This is just the “paradox of tolerance” being taken too far. These people do not deserve to have their hateful ideology legitimized. It needs to be made known that there is no place in modern society for them, so long as they choose to support or espouse that ideology.
I am all for acceptance. Which is exactly why I understand that these people are not compatible with a society that is accepting.
I mean mental illness. I’m not sure if his contributes to that, unless he has schizophrenia or mpd.
Sure, the mental illness should be treated. But it doesn’t excuse or explain the Nazi shit.
Oh dear Kanye, you have no clue that While Elon is currently part of the US govt, you’re a worthless Anti-Citizen
Why are people excusing this as “mental illness”? What if he’s just an asshole Nazi, no mental illness necessary
¿Por que no los dos?
Explaining, not excusing. I’m pretty sure being an asshole nazi is in the DSM.
It is “yes, and”.
Dude has unhinged and awful political and social views, seemingly unmoored by any governing principles, and he also clearly has manic features and likely could benefit from some treatment.
Who is he talking to? What money? Every time he pops up, I have no idea wtf he is even on about. At the end of the day, I guess the only pertinent information is that he is a nazi. A very strange and confused nazi, but I suppose they all are.