The very short version: it is madness to continue transferring the running of European societies and governments to American clouds. Not only is it a terrible idea given the kind of things the “King of America” keeps saying, the legal sophistry used to justify such transfers, like the nonsense letter the Dutch cabinet sent last week, has now been invalidated by Trump himself. And why are we doing this? Convenience.
What the hell is a government doing using someone else’s cloud? I have a small business and I bought a Synology NAS years ago. How is it possible that a government does not have its own servers?
Buying service level agreements on rented hardware is easier and cheaper (you don’t have to pay your own IT). Security and data protection, pfft nobody needs or wants that.
Now you’re paying for devops…
“Yes, but that’s another departments cost. Or some lobbyists told me this is cheaper. Anyway, we’re locked into the whole thing by now, doesn’t matter anymore.”
Not necessarily. Standard services like chat and mail and office usually come in standard packages. You do need an admin for standard services too but one admin can easily take care of dozens of users across dozens of services. The devops team is something you only need if you’re running custom cloud applications which I would imagine a lot of companies don’t do at all.
Yeah, that just doesn’t scale. Don’t get me wrong, what you do works and is good, but you (probably) don’t have an off site backup or 100TB of customer data, that is needed in 17 countries accessed by over 15.000 employees.
I’m not saying, that you need a public cloud provider for that, there are other companies, that do these kinds of things, but it is more comfortable and as with SAP no manager has ever been fired for proposing using Microsoft.
It’s not like we don’t have datacenters and server providers in the eu. We have hetzner, OVH and Aruba (ew)
Yes, but there are even more smaller companies doing that and in the past a lot of companies did that themselves (if big enough) but “the cloud”
isseems just so convenient, that they don’t want that anymore.Fucking up everything. Thar’s what governments do for a living,