That is all.
Sublime Text
In my opinion, Sublime Text is a little bit better for coding based applications, specifically with like HTML and CSS, even though Notepad++ is great for it too, but just for overall drag and drop replace, works with everything, wonderful, free and open source software, it is very, very difficult to beat Notepad++.
Fair, I just don’t like how cluttered Notepad++ feels.
Agreed, coming from regular Notepad there’s a lot going on there. The whole point of Notepad was a quick and dirty text editor. If I needed that many options for what I’m writing I’ll just fire up Word instead.
That’s why I like Sublime - it’s powerful enough to be my main code editor, and clean enough to jot down some quick notes.
Huh, never heard of Sublime before. I’ll give that a try!
The developer is also Australian, so it’s still a good option if you’re boycotting US products.
This is literally not an example of enshittification and the article is intentionally misleading.
First of all, all of the original Notepad functions are unchanged and still free.
Literally nothing got shittier.
Which is why describing Notepad as getting a paywall is quite frankly flat out disingenuous.
They are adding new, cloud running, AI features to Notepad that are locked behind a paywall. You can not like that for whatever reason, but that’s not an example of enshittification. That’s an example of them charging for new functionality.
At this point anyone that voluntary uses windows is just braindead. I love Linux but if you don’t wanna use that then even Mac is better than that… For now
Did you mean to suggest that Mac is better than Linux? In what way?
They meant better than what MS is doing. Basically Linux would be choice one, but failing that get a Mac. Until they go the same direction.
Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.
If you buy a mac, you just prepaid the subscription fee in the hardware price. Then they hook you into an environment where you have to pay it for every new device.
I’d argue buying a PC you have to opt in to subscriptions, buying a Mac you can’t opt out.
iCloud for sure basically ropes you into a subscription if you want to do the backups with them as the free-tier is basically peanuts for space, but outside that (unless that’s what you mean) I don’t think they have any subscriptions that are really opt-out?
I absolutely agree they get you roped into the ecosystem though, the hardware cohesion makes it difficult to purchase outside of their line.