• Neato@kbin.social
    10 months ago

    Name a better Democrat.

    They need to have a better platform, have a lot of political and funding connections, and have at least as good name recognition as Biden to have a shot at overcoming incumbency bias.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Bernie. AoC Fetterman. Dean Phillips (okay, so he doesn’t have the name recognition, and he’s not progressive enough for my tastes, but at least he’s a decent compromise canidate- and he has the balls to say what needs to be said.)

      do you really think all those superpacs and corpo donors that are propping up “the incumbency advantage” actually care who the democratic nominee is? they don’t give a flying fuck.

      • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
        10 months ago


        He’s extremely pro Israel, to the point that he came out to heckle pro Palestinian protesters while wearing the Israeli flag, and laughing in their face while they got arrested.

        I liked the dude but he ain’t it. Not anymore

          • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Yeah it was really disheartening to hear. I can understand why he might take that position ideologically, but there’s absolutely no reason for him to be a raging asshole about it.

      • ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        All of those would lose to Trump by double digits.

        Bernie - too old, Jewish, too extreme

        AOC - minority, woman, young, inexperienced

        Fetterman - health/mental fitness concerns

        Phillips - zero name recognition and too inexperienced

        (Not saying I agree with these, just that those would be what sinks them)

        • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          (Not saying I agree with these, just that those would be what sinks them)

          Sure, you might not agree with those statements. but you’re willing to carry the water for people that do.

          The only things in your list that are reasons that don’t also apply to Biden are being ‘too-much-of-a-woman’, ‘too-much-of-a-minority’, ‘too extreme’ and ‘too inexperienced’.

          I don’t really want to get into the first two any further than I just did, but as far as too extreme goes. Bernie sanders is a socialist… which is why so many Millennials (and Gen Z) supported him. it wasn’t a coincidence. we support that extremism. to be perfectly honest, it’s only ‘extremism’ compared to… you know… the conservatives like Joe Biden (Republicans are not conservatives. Conservatives seek to maintain the status quo. Republicans are regressives. Biden is a conservative.) So, the only people who really find Bernie and other progressives “too extreme”… are the very people who’re right now screaming at us to “VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO”. Pretty sure they’re frothing at the mouth by now.

          TLDR: they’re not too extreme if you actually pay attention to your electorate.

          Now, as for the ‘Too inexperienced’ bit. Sure. Biden has a shitload of experience. Too bad more than 3/4’s of it apply to a world that fundamentally no longer exists. biden was born in 1942 (81 yo). the WordWideWeb was first released in 1990 (33 years). Friendster and Myspace were first launched in 2003, face book in '04 (20 years). More than half of biden’s much-vaunted experience predates the internet as we know it. More than 3/4’s of his this experience predates modern social media. The world is fundamentally different, and that experience isn’t just something to be outright dismissed… it’s something that’s actively an issue. Because it creates a sort of inertia. You can see that inertia in things like his attitude towards climate change (We’re society as we know it is fucked if nothing changes, and he’s really quite ‘[meh]’(https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/09/business/oil-production-biden-trump/index.html).), in policing and drug policy reform (who fucking cares about social justice, huh? the corporations that put him in power don’t.), in how he expects everyone to just fall into line and vote for him cuz he says so (typical boomer bullshit. Probably taught it to the boomers himself.)

          Biden has been part of government for longer than I’ve been alive. And government has been not-working (or not working very well,) for actual Americans (it has been working very well for corporations and billionaires.) for as about as long, too. he’s part of the problem. he’s not being part of the solution. TLDR: Biden has a long track record of not being part of the solutions to the problems that pose an existential risk.

          Oh, and a note about “name recognition”. lets look at the reason no one under the age of 60 has name recognition to begine with: Its because of all the er… long-serving… senators and representatives that have refused to retire, while also failing to develop and groom the next generation to replace them. It’s just another policy fuck up on the part of the DNC. a pretty egregious one, you ask me. Either way, we’re going to have the crisis of “nobody else” either now or in four years, so we might as well face it now. You know. Like how Biden promised he’d only go for one term, so that, you know, they could find that candidate… why should we believe them this time?

          (edit some formatting)

          • ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            I really appreciate what you are saying here. Look, I was a huge Bernie supporter. He’s still the only politician I have ever donated to support.

            I am a single issue voter and I think everyone should be this election. That single thing is keeping Trump away from the presidency. We are FUCKED if he gets in again.

            The fact is, only 10 times in history (Trump being one) has the incumbent president lost. I don’t like Biden any more than you do, but incumbency and having beaten Trump once is a resume no other candidate can match.

            I think we need to be talking about Biden getting a new VP. Kamela Harris does not add to Biden’s chances of winning. Whether it is simple racism/sexism or whatever, the public hates her. Let’s get a VP candidate who could carry the torch for Biden after 4 years (or less if he dies in office). That would go a long way to assuage the public’s concerns over Biden’s age. Dean Phillips would be a great option for that. He would be perfect to pull undecided moderate voters and he would be a great public face for Democrats. (My first choice would be Fetterman, but putting that behemoth standing next to Biden would do little to help the image of Biden being feeble).

            • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              Here’s the thing.

              Look at why trump and the others all lost. They were unpopular.

              Your single issue is “not trump”. Yet, there are many better canidates than Biden who are also not-trump.

              Incumbency is only really an advantage if your incumbent isn’t fucking the pooch. And Biden is definitely fucking the pooch. Climate, Israel/Palestine. The economy (and the disparity between their propaganda and people hurting,). The only thing he’s really got running is that he’s not trump, and somebody explained why he needs to keep his mouth shut on abortion.

              Virtually any one left of center-right republicans meet that standard.

              If defeating trump is your goal, wouldn’t finding the best candidate possible- and do you really think if Biden kept his word, bowed out of the second term, do you really think, that’d be a disadvantage?

              Are you okay with a liar, whose soft on the largest segment because he’s constantly ignoring that segment’s needs, after trump has bad 4 years to whip his base and retcon Jan 6, while Biden and the DoJ and everyone else sat for over years with their thumbs up their asses?

              • ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                I think people are being immensely unfair to Biden. He has done a fat better job than I expected. Don’t forget how bad off we were when Trump left office. I was certain we were going for another recession like 2008 and Biden’s policies saved us from that. He got vaccines out to the public efficiently so people could live their lives again. He got the supply chain working again so we don’t have shortages of essential products anymore. The Build Back Better plan put billions into expanding solar and wind (as well as expanding US production of these technologies) as well as expanding the availability of electric chargers across the nation.

                I mean just look at all this stuff? Most of this has been on the progressive wish list for years.


                I don’t blame Biden for running again. There is a total lack of qualified leadership. The newer generation like Fetterman and AOC are promising but too inexperienced. Nobody has stepped up to take the lead.

                Can I imagine a better candidate? Of course. Do I think anyone could have done better? Maybe Bernie, but honestly I don’t even think he could have realistically made more progressive change.

                • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  He has done a fat better job than I expected. Don’t forget how bad off we were when Trump left office. I was certain we were going for another recession like 2008 and Biden’s policies saved us from that

                  What… policies? it amazes me how people trot out how good the economy is to support Biden; yet then when people point out it’s not actually all that great for most people… “oh what’s he supposed to do?! the Fed, the treasury, they’re all independent! he can’t do anything”

                  in any case… they kinda sorta had to redefine what a recession was, unless you forgot that part. Could it have been much worse? absolutely. is Biden better than trump? ABSOLUTELY. but acting like it’s a binary choice is exactly how we got here, and following it will solve nothing.

                  • ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    What policies?! The policies that put $6 trillion into the economy so it didn’t crash. The American Rescue Plan? The American Jobs Plan? The Build Back Better Plan? You know, all the shit that Republicans were screaming at about being socialist handouts that would destroy America?