It’s a liberal cesspool full of people who refuse to listen when you speak. I explained how the SMO in Russia was justified going all the way back to fucking WWII and Stepan Bandera to Russia not wanting Ukraine in NATO and some dickhead told me to “tOuCH gRaSS”. Didn’t even address any of my points, just that “dEnAziFIcaTioN iSnT a gOoD rEasOn, iT’s aS bAd aS wMDs”.

Fucking moron. I hate that fucking place so fucking much.

    1 year ago

    Also there’s the little detail that the “WMDs” were a lie while the Nazification of Ukraine was so obvious even the western media were writing about it, and they are still forced to address it because every time they take a photo of Kiev regime soldiers - surprise, suprise! - there is some swastika, iron cross or SS badge that the western media need to twist themselves into knots to handwave away or justify.

    The gaslighting never ends. I have had people badgering me over this war and yet they couldn’t even cite the official Russian reasons for the war, despite being incredibly “savvy” on all “secret” objectives.

    Reddit has been only getting worse since 2015 when r/politics became the dominant force. I gave up after the admins literally did a coup on even slightly leftwing subs like r/presidentialracememes.

    • Water Bowl
      1 year ago

      It’s seriously astounding how little needs to be done to propagate lies here. Like, people often fearmonger about government censorship and algorithmic suppression, and those things ARE problems don’t get me wrong, but people waaaaaaay overestimate how much it takes to dupe them.

      I mean, you can just search “Ukraine” on any search engine and filter out results from 2022 onwards to get articles that blatantly contradict what’s being published today. It doesn’t take an elaborate scheme to spread disinformation… It doesn’t even take consistency…