It cannot be overstated how limited budgets led to some of the best writing on TV. And this episode is one of the best-written in the entire franchise.

It’s also my absolute favorite shot of Uhura:

Lieutenant Uhura, sitting at the Navigation console, watching the Romulan ship explode on the viewscreen along with Lieutenant Sulu and Captain Kirk at their respective stations.

Ensign Skippy was getting a little too political, so Uhura replaced him and fired the death blow against the Romulan Bird of Prey. And she just leans back and takes it in during this dolly shot of the bridge. Stone Cold.

    1 month ago

    Lol no spoilers!
    I do need to watch TOS . I haven’t seen any of them in like 30 years.

    For a first run at ship combat it looks like they did pretty damn well, all in all. It’s impressive.