I’m trippin lol.

  • 64 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • Ah, I see, so this is more personal for you. I get it, it’s fine, in not crucifyung you here so hopefully you don’t get angry. I come in peace with the following.

    Indian women? One thing I read up on a while back (Was reading why it’s more culturally wealthy to have sons and not daughters in india) is (correct me if I’m wrong my memory isn’t the sharpest on this because it’s horrible and I don’t want to read about that again)

    Is because a boy will bring the family OUT of poverty and a girl will make and or keep the family POOR.

    A term here… Gendercide…

    That’s got nothing to do with what you think it does. Who knows maybe the definition now encompasses a third gender as they do in fact recognize in India, but during the time I learned about this term specifically to India, it’s common for women their to either self terminate their pregnancy or kill their child if born a female. By their own hand… um this is devastating stuff guys. Before I even knew about that I had zero clue that was going on there. It’s devastating.

    I don’t need to know any of your personal x y z but I understand how certain things sometimes strike a cord with us because we are close to what they are or maybe witnessed such in our own lives, heard stories etc. Some things are just personal period. That’s valid so I can see and understand why you feel this way.

    The only ‘advice’ here that I can give you, is to tell you to educate yourself on lemmy. Not that you aren’t. But in order to have power over things you must understand how it operates first.

    That said. About the moderators who seemingly don’t give a shit?


    I’m not saying any of this to shit on you. I’m saying it because ot needs to be said. Literally anyone ANYONE can make a community. Whether it gets removed and they get banned is another topic.

    But what you’re really doing, is you’re asking for vile people to care my dear/sir/and or maedem, that is not humanly achievable by any means. It doesn’t make it right no that’s not what I’m saying. But community mods are not paid, neither are admins, they are for the most part not legally or financially bound to adhere to x y and z.

    Basically Any jackoff can make and mod communities. Focus though on what YOU DO HAVE control over though blocking and muting

    I’m sorry dude 😔 hope u feel better I mean that

  • Sucks and truly am sorry. I’ve been permanently banned 9 times. (Changed devices alot upgraded them alot)

    I learned, that if you want to keep your reddit account you don’t socialize on there, give advice or opinions either.

    You just have to go back to lurking and block every single person who’s an argument staRter even if they aren’t directly talking to you. Block them so they can’t see your shit. They don’t need to bc they’ll pick at it.

    You were too involved. That’s what happened .

    Get a second hand device from a Pawn shop if it means this much to you, make an another account not linking to your phone and use it to lurk only.

    You can comment but think before you do I wouldn’t recommend posting at all but that’s up to your discretion I guess. I wouldn’t posting just leaves you open to mass reporters who hate or don’t agree with the sentiment in your post.

    Just don’t in my opinion posting makes you a target