• 71 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • The point is… It doesn’t matter now…most of the islamic world except Iran has forgotten their brethren and most of big powers are doing lip service for palestine sympathy. I mean we can bark how much we can… It doesn’t matter to Israel itself. Israel has absorbed most of palestine state and in few years they will absorb more and will erase the historical memory of any Palestinian state. Most Palestinians will flee to Jordon or Lebanon or will become a 2nd class citizen. The hard truth is how much we say occasionally that we are fighting for Palestine the state got finished when Egypt did it’s accords with US and most of Islamic world along with USSR failed to intervene when Israel broke the UN partition plan. The one thing we can try is to change the internal politics of Israel to become a secular country instead of being this apartheid entity but that too requires many adjustments in the world political movement. Right wing jewish lobby is strong in the US and in Europe and they tow the genocidal apartheid line of Israel. It’s sad to see a state sponsored genocide and silence of the world media but sadly it was all over when USSR collapsed. It will take hundreds of years to undo the harm done.

  • I think DNR forces begged Putin to help them during Mariupol seize in 2014. Putin didn’t do anything and went for Minsk Agreement. I think Putin didn’t want any escalation after the Crimea take over because the Western media depicted it as an act of war. I understand there is little he could have done in 2014 but Donbass people suffered the most in this 9 years of war and still suffering.

  • But our Indian sub continent got the most addiction. Our corrupt cricket board get billions of USD from government , scams, advertisers. Most people are just glued to this sport for hundreds of hrs for no reason whatsoever. I will make a rule, any person watching even 1 minute of this match will get 100 lashes from the state. I know it’s Saudi Arabia style but that’s how you can remove the addiction.