What happened to his ozempic bod?
He is also high as fuck at this event, dragging of his kids around.
I think he’s an oddly shaped moron, but I do find it really funny how the people who are supposedly all about body positivity and not putting others down are all gung ho about tearing apart the physical attributes of people they despise.
Hypocritical much?
Using intolerance against the intolerant isn’t intolerant though.
If a Nazi is busy being a Nazi it’s morally acceptable to say they look like an especially malformed mold reject of a Quasimodo figurine.
That is almost the dumbest thing I’ve read on this website today.
You guys always have excuses for why your cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is actually morally alright.
what if I lurk here, despise the man and happen to be physically very similar to him?
No one would know and moreover if you aren’t super intolerant the rule wouldn’t apply to you anyway.
would you worry I’d feel insecure with my appearance, though? should I just avoid these comments when I see them?
Again what you look like is irrelevant, it’s not even really about it he even is weird looking or not. The fact it bothers him is relevant though. You can take offense if you want but it’s a bit like being upset about someone making fun of Hitler for being a dopehead because you are a dopehead. There are some similarities but ideally there are huge huge deviations like murdering a couple million people or whatever.
I, personally, am taking no offense. I might be feeling more self-concious, tho
You say my likeness is irrelevant, but it did not feel irrelevant to me when I 've seen the post. Not that I assume that what I’ve felt should be relevant to you, I just decided to share these thoughts
If there are such good, explainable reasons to shit on this shitbag, I don’t see how our similarities have any weight
I also hope I didn’t just murder humour
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There are also people that aren’t so much in the body positivity movement that make fun of Elon musk, but I guess you must have done your research
While I’m not in the camp that would make fun of him for his appearance (his existence is already a big enough joke), I think the logic comes from separating shaming people for their body versus attacking someone that you dislike and picking their body as the target. The key difference being in the reason for the body-centered insult; one is tied to hate for different looking people, whereas the other is tied to hating the person and finding something to attack about them.
Behold the master race
The butt implants were a mistake.
I don’t know if it was a mistake, but it appears they put them on the wrong side of his body.
Do they not have hat sizes that can fit his gigantic fucking ego? He looks like the fat conductor from Thomas the tank engine
What the fuck even is that body. What a gross asshole.
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That’s what you get with steroids ans no sport.
He looks like a Rob Liefeld drawing…
It’s uncanny. The pose is spot on. I assumed someone had shopped this to look like that on purpose.
Someone with a medical background please tell me what on earth is happening inside that volume
All I can think of is that alien exo-suit from MIB with an alien operating him inside
Girdle. They can be great for making you look a bit less fat, and can do quite a bit if you wear something loose over them, but the man looks like an overstuffed sausage. He’s not going to like it, but what he’s trying to do there is calling for a corset, which at least would be able to be portrayed as an aesthetic choice, though definitely a fem one even if he goes for the most masculine options out there
Can’t he just afford liposuction? He looks absurd.
most men store fat around their guts aka visceral fat which you can’t suck out instead of subcutaneous fat which is under the skin outside of your muscles and guts which you can suck out
Alternative to corset, may i suggest an iron maiden ?
Man this is really smart comment and I was on board till I realized we’ve seen this man without a shirt. That is indeed his real shape.
Yeah I always forget that he’s just kinda shaped like a fat guy in a girdle several sizes too small. He probably wasn’t always that shape. This seems to be the masculine version of spherical boobs
Too much HGH
Likely he took implants but never really worked for them. Just a conjecture.
He looks like someone drew him without an understanding of human anatomy…
That’s a girdle if I’ve ever seen one.
I’d agree with you if there weren’t unfortunately pictures of him without a shirt on out there in which he looks exactly the same…just a lot more difficult to look at.
It’s for boys. Teddy wears one too. It’s called a boydle.
I was gonna call it a corset.
Nah corsets bulge vertically and someone of his wealth would probably have the money for one that would break before bulging like that
He’s the most frumpy looking dude on earth
a lot of things about this picture look fake
He looks like a broiler chicken.
The fuck is everyone taking a picture of? Do they need to approve to their friends they were within 20 feet of oh glorious leader Musk?
I don’t understand how anyone can be that close to Musk and not take a run at him with the nearest blunt instrument.
A saxophone at least.
The President is behind him too. I don’t like either of them, but I can see why people would want to take a picture.
sorry, I see you’ve made a typo there. The president is the man in black in the front of the photo, the one behind him is just a dog