i rushed home to do this as soon as i heard but i was too late there were so many of them i tried to delete them all but it was useless apparently because i cant open anything now
learn from my mistakes and delete these files asap
The .lib files are usually only useful when you are compiling software.
The files that load at runtime are the corresponding .dll files.
You mean the democratic leftist loader files
DLL…. DLL… DLL… this DLL was made for me
And don’t forget the .so or socialist order files.
i saw these in the lib directory and deleted the whole thing
Dynamic-librul library
Devilworshipping Liberal Lesbians
Yes I’d like to buy some tickets to that concert
I think they are going by “The Dixie Chicks” these days.
Unironically they rebranded to “The Chicks” to distance themselves from GOD FEARING SLAVE OWNERS.
i dont know what any of that means but i deleted /lib and my computer isnt working
Yeah, kinda ruins the joke.
we’ve been compromised, delete the whole directory
/usr/? sounds like /ussr/! That’s COMMUNISM
/usr/local/lib too! They are everywhere!
- they’ve set up base in the highest ranks!
Do the .bin files too, hidden biden files ofc.
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Ha ha yes! It’s actually bin laden files!
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Christian conservative programmer here, who prays every day and goes to church every sunday, what kind of compiler I need to use so it won’t give me
files? Microsoft should stop forcing radical left-wing atheism down our throats! /sThe only way to be safe is to use Temple OS. It’s the only os designed by god.
Real patriots statically link their libraries.
system32 is commonly known to be communist spyware. It should be deleted.
32 is 2 to the 5th power. 5 is the number of points on a communist star. 2 is the number of workers.
Sys32 IS the woke mind virus
That’s true, I’m a computer person and I vouch for that
Yeah them dirty libs just can’t help themselves from leaving their calling cards, like the serial killers they are
Maybe we can convince them system32 is actually some kind of globalist post modern neomarxist equivalent to project 2025.
is this true
my computer doesnt have this but ill warn my mother immediately thank you patriot
You’re welcome, anything to pwn the woke moralist neoliberal social democratic Marxists 🫡
Not only is that true, but Bill Gates is actually a clone, and all the information you’ve heard about him wanting to inject you with 5G mRNA mind control viruses via the covid vaccine … that’s all false, the vaccines are actually there to prevent you from also becoming a clone!
Bill Gates is actually Q!
oh shit i thought you were trying to troll me but its real
(Just wanna drop character and let you know that that idea was literally explained to me two years ago by a homeless fentanyl addict at a bus stop.)
(He wasn’t quite doing the ‘lean’, but he was fiending, asked me if I had any blues ((local? slang for fentanyl)), and I offered him a cigarette instead, got to talking)
thank you for telling me that i bet the deepstate ruined his life and got him addicted to fent to discredit him i hope he gets compensated now that trump has come out with the truth
Sometimes you take the red pill so hard it flips around to being the blue pill, I guess.
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And so files, otherwise known as SHARED OBJECT files. Are of my programs are STATICALLY LINKED because I’m not a DIRTY COMMUNIST.
I love this idea! Wonderful!
They’re worried about the libs while their computers have atheist daemons running in the background. Lol
My TempleOS installation has expelled such foul spirits and is profanity-proof now!
Yes sir, Kernel Error 🫡
Guys, guys, I have .epub files in my computer!!! Are these the woke virus that make everything public??? I’ve also seen .webp, is this some sort of woke equity thingy???
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It wor