Hey, solid work.
Besides actually looking nice, you can really see OPs skill in the articulating solder work.
Clearly, that require some kind of out of the world skill yo be able to do soldering on moving piece without restraining the mobility
Quantum solder
Many years ago, the university I studied at did some construction work in the chemistry department, which included rerouting the supply lines from the big oxygen and LPG tanks so they could reach the new lab they were building.
Turns out the contractor was either an idiot or misread the plans, and ended up running the pipes straight through one of the fire-resistant walls designed to compartmentalize the building so fires can’t spread as easily - a hole in one is a Big Deal on its own, but then running pipes full of accelerant through it essentially voided the buildings safety certificate and insurance, and ment that if there was a fire, the main evacuation path would have been a deathtrap.
I don’t know what happened to the contractor, but labs were closed for a few weeks while they purged the lines of gas, removed the badly installed lines and repaired the wall
Certain unnamed consulting company had a laboratory that was converted from normal office space in a rental office building. All the corrosive fumes from their processing area were ventilated to general ventilation. In the ground floor. Even their own office ventilation ducts were dripping acid and they had a piece of roof drainage suspended with wires to catch it. Fire exits were blocked by hydrogen tanks. Ground floor, so on need for fire exits. People can just break a window.
People are destructive idiots that seldom get caught.
Anybody who cuts a hole in a wall should know what the hell a firewall is. The university really skimped out on that job.
It’s a skill that opens doors… Or maybe not 🤷
That just looks wrong considering smrt literally means death in ym language.
Your mom
On a serious note, they probably meant ‘my’ (and speak a slavic language)
Ah, I miss the early 2010s level botch social media. HVAC, civil engineering, construction, shipping; cheers OSHA.
I like the door
that door is ajar
No, it’s a door
It’s a wall now…
When the neighbour is too noisy so you told him to pipe it down
If the door is permanently sealed then it’s not really a problem.
No leaks, nice work.
I do always hate the plumbing through doors psychologically but still, even with my background being mostly in electronics and vehicles that still looks like work to be proud of.
thank you