Mitch McConell says the quiet part out loud.

Exact full quote from CNN:

“People think, increasingly it appears, that we shouldn’t be doing this. Well, let me start by saying we haven’t lost a single American in this war,” McConnell said. “Most of the money that we spend related to Ukraine is actually spent in the US, replenishing weapons, more modern weapons. So it’s actually employing people here and improving our own military for what may lie ahead.”

    1 year ago

    Years later they’ll say the same shit as they did after the devastation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria etc…

    Libs: how could we have known? We didn’t vote for this so it’s not our fault.

    Then watch them have selective memory while they cheer on the next war.

        1 year ago

        As a burger muncher, finally, I’m qualified for something!

        Iraq: some, but not that many. It’s kind of attempted to be forgotten about it seems. The few who do defend it will make undefined arguments to the tune of “Saddam was bad (they don’t mention that the US propped up Saddam until he wasn’t convenient anymore… oops), the war was moral/just but executed poorly.” I don’t think I need to spend energy further on this genocidial, dogshit mentality. A lot of it hinges on strategies such as “make Iraq a glass bowl!” circa 2005.

        Afghanistan: generally regarded as “just” or at least “required” as a direct result of 9/11. Some warmongers still say it was correct for Biden to finally leave, but he did it wrong… somehow. They can’t explain how. They just wanted the war to go on forever.

        Vietnam: mixed bag, but outside of insane reactionaries, the sentiment has shifted during my lifetime (in my mid 30s) from some vaguely half-ass justifiable (communism!) war that tragically killed a lot of American boys (ignoring the Vietnamese deaths as per usual) BUT AMERICA DIDNT LOSE (reeeee). Now shifted to basically all of that same stuff but now many people, especially from my generation and younger, realize it was, indeed, a massive fat loss to the American military.

        I think this is obvious, but in case it somehow isn’t, I’m summarizing the general vibes I’ve encountered from fellow hogs. I absolutely do not agree with them. (I have to post a disclaimer now because I’m pretty sure someone read a post similar to this by me and thought these were my opinions and responded with simply “wow”)

          1 year ago

          Pretty accurate about Vietnam and really every American intervention. The civilians murdered and raped by the US military are never centered in most American’s regrets about war. The focus is generally always on the American deaths. The layer of American chauvanism is disappointingly thick.

      • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
        1 year ago

        I googled polls and I think there’s a clear majority (roughly 60-70%) that think each of them was a mistake, but there’s 25% who don’t say that about Vietnam so that’s probably a hard floor of psychos that will support any war in any context. That’s pretty consistent with the 20% of Democrats and 30% of Republicans who support bombing Agrabah, the fictional country from Alladin.

        I’d like to think we don’t have a lot of those types on here but if we do they’re probably unreachable. But initial support for Iraq was around 80%, so a large number (possibly the majority) of USians followed the trajectory of being lured in by propaganda and then later turning against it, and those people I think are reachable if you can make them realize the same thing is happening again.

          1 year ago

          Have to remember who is getting polled as well. Nobody under 25 answers phone from unknown, they are polling land lines which assumes a certain class, many poorer people working at night when such a call would come, and they also have a tendency to poll certain districts over others.

          Consent ain’t gonna manufacture itself

      • Fuckass [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        Yes they do. They’ll “regret” the wars, but they’ll never denounce the soldiers or commanders in charge. During the initial weeks/months of the Ukrainian invasion, Biden AWARDED Vietnam war vets. He later went on to “denounce imperialism” at a UN conference.