How many dicks do I have to suck to prove I’m not gay!?
In my case, at least one
Like one girl cock I think
Phew I’m straight then.
Like one girl cock I think
This isn’t an impossible thing to do nowadays.
If you someone tells you that broccoli is gross, but have never tried broccoli, can you trust their opinion?
One more, Tim.
One more.
Two more.
In a row?
Fake: anon has a friend
Gay: literally gay
Fake because Brad didn’t get gay with Tim and anon
fake because tim is marrying a girl
Real and bi
One of the few anon stories that seems plausible
Is it weird that the most unrelatable thing here for me is that SongeBob existed when anon was in high school?
Edit: a word
I’m over 30, SpongeBob existed when I was in middle school.
Yeah, I’m over 40. SpongeBob didn’t exist when I was in high school.
Hmmm with this we can deduce that SpongeBob was created sometime after 40 year olds went to highschool but before 30 year olds went to highschool 🤔
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It’s okay to delete comments, I do it all the time. I try to keep a Mr Rogers vibe but if I don’t I feel bad, even if I think I’m right.
SpongeBob first aired in 1999, so if you were born '81 or later, it was probably on when you were in high school. But yeah if you’re in your mid-late 40s you would have just missed it.
And you think it’s weird that people under 40 are on the internet? I’m almost 30 and SpongeBob has been on since I was in daipers
I mean from what I’ve seen people under 25 are barely “on” the internet, more like floating through the internet, absorbing content by osmosis.
Uhh, I wouldn’t really say that. If you consider what people do on Lemmy to just be “floating through the internet” then I guess that’s correct. All of the apps and platforms being used have interactive capabilities to keep the person engaged. They’re chatting and emoting more than you think, just not in the same spaces you’re occupying.
Yeah I’m Songebob, middle school didn’t exist when I was 30
You must have missed it, cuz you would have been around 15 when it came out
This is where I remind you that 4chan has existed for over 21 years. Meaning that a kid born the day it started operation is now old enough to legally drink in the United States.
1999 grandpa. Anyone born after 1981 will have had the option of SpongeBob. That having been said it wasn’t until the mid to late 2010s that I remember seeing grown ass adults obsessed with, and spouting lines from, a children’s cartoon from 1999. So mostly 90s kids.
In before someone posts the green text story of a friendship of two straight dudes just being straight dudes having a good time blowing each other
That doesn’t narrow it down as much as you’d think
Being queer in HS was so fucking fun.
If you don’t mind me asking, when were you in high school?
I was in high school in the late 2010s, in a red county in a red state, and there were a few openly queer ppl in my grade who were never bullied throughout high school.
I think it was because allies outnumbered the homophobes/transphobes and bullies only punch down, not up.
I was in high school in the late 00s early 10s and I remember guys in the locker room talking about how they’d murder a trans woman if one “tricked them”. Around that point the only reason I didn’t realize I was a trans woman was that I really didn’t want to realize it.
Do trans women date people without disclosing it?
If they’re pre/non-op, it’s certainly wise to, though I don’t see any reason to do so if they’re post-op
Edit: these guys probably weren’t referring to dating though- many trans women are unlikely to out themselves at a public bar to every guy that hits on them
saying “straight guys” here gives me the implication that you think it isn’t straight for a cis guy to date a trans gal, which is transphobic. hoping that’s just me reading it wrong or you expressing it wrong though.
to answer the question at hand though none of my trans friends would want to date someone who “would murder them if they ‘tricked them’”
maybe there are a few trans people interested in tricking transphobes into having sex with them but that sounds extremely dangerous per that comment before…
I’ll change the question
I was in my countries equivalent in the late '00s and early '10s, and it … really wasn’t. So I’d say that’s rather time and place dependent.
That’s fair I graduated in 06 on a military base in England. Partly why it was so fun cause the faculty had no clue what to do with me.
Unless you go to a Christian high school, then it sucks
I can only imagine. Got any stories for us?
Not anything super interesting at mine, basically everyone there was a Christian nationalist Fox News Republican and I got sick of being exclusively around people who were constantly promoting stuff that would criminalize and erase people like myself and didn’t give a shit about anyone outside of their immediate community. For LGB it was a “love the sinner hate the sin” mindset though so it could have been a lot worse (although it’s still considered basically the worst sin you can possibly commit aside from murder and worthy of the death penalty). For T though the environment was more hostile, I heard there was one person who came out as trans and was quickly expelled. Aside from that they taught stupid shit like dinosaurs still exist and the government is hiding them from us and dragons exist as well. Glad to be out of that shithole.
Glad you got out friend. Thanks for sharing. I’m sure I would have had a harder time if I went to high school in America
Yeah, I always had trouble with known adulterers in my church tut tutting about homosexuality. It’s the same rule!
Ahh, they must’ve whispered “no homo” before getting in the showers together!
Tim is getting married at ~22?
Is that strange where you are from?
Indeed. Here most people are still either getting their education or just starting with work.
I got married while in school and just before starting my internship. Going through school married is awesome.
The time in life where you’re most likely to experience sexuality and get laid. And instead you spend it exploring sexuality with a loved one. I mean… it could have been worse.
In Lesotho that’s practically middle-aged.
Yeah, I’d say so. At 22 the human brain isn’t even fully developed. Tim and his wife are children acting out some theatrics inculcated by their (almost always) religious community. Then again, I live in an American state that embraces education and critical thinking, so my assumption is ol Tim is from Utah, or some other regressive theocratic place where they’d rather nip autonomy in the bud and tether young people to a prescribed way of life that hasn’t otherwise existed outside of these antideluvian pockets for the last 70 years.
But I’m probably reading too much into it.
This reads like a 16 year old posting a pseudo intellectual argument so they can feel smart.
“Brain is only mature when it is no longer developing, that is, when it is stagnant and decaying”
lol, ok.
People throughout history have been married way younger.
It’s only a very recent phenomenon in 90% of the world that people don’t get married by 22. Even go back to the 80s and 90s which weren’t that long ago - getting married under 25 was exceptionally common
I used to think the women of the past were all married young or spinsters, from reading little house on the prairie and other books. But looked up my ancestors on that Mormon website and was surprised to find that most were 28, 29. Even going pretty far back. This was mostly the US (and this area before unification) and southern Europe though, don’t know that it can be extrapolated. I just didn’t expect it.
Even then would be pretty recent considering human history, and I have a feeling that like you said that’s very narrowed down through both region and religion.
Though funnily enough I grew up (middle school and high school) with kids from 2 different Mormon families as two of my closest friends, and knew kids from 2 others. Each of those 4 families had a minimum of 5 kids, and each one of those kids as far as I know, both guys and girls, got married by 23.
But it was normal in Europe to be betrothed as young as 5, and married at 12 or 13 for centuries.
If you go to the east, Akbar the Great was married off at 9.
Yeah but I think “marriage” like that was a lot different from what we consider it to be now. More of a way to link families, not love matches or even “teams” on their own. Like it wasn’t for them, they were resources parents traded around in marriages and also fosterings, right?
yes mostly it was just a nobility thing. common people didn’t do it i think.
monarchs and earls and such would “marry” their children to children of other monarchs, to establish peace contracts through becoming related by blood. These kids were expected to carry (some) children, but AFAIK it was extremely common for them to have affairs with other people as well, so it was more a formal thing and less a “true love” affair.
as for common people, though, marriage at 12 was common as well, just that they could more often choose so themselves. so, in some sense, i guess they were the “happier” people :)
Edit: ok so i just looked it up. The minimum age of marriage was 12 for girls and 14 for boys throughout large parts of medieval Europe. However, that didn’t mean they married that young. Rather, they married when they could afford it as sustaining a family required resources. So, the better economically the family was doing, the sooner the kids could (and often would) marry.
this sounds kind of… completely crazy to be honest
also, isn’t the human brain fully developed in most people by the age of 21? or it’s 25, i dont remember. but even if it is 25, 22 is really close. i see no problem in marrying at that age
It never really finishes developing, and the 25 number is taken way out of context. There’s no nice number here.
makes sense. i thought most people agreed to the “18 year olds have their brains developed enough to make life-long choices” thing, but i guess not.
of course though, there’s variation and 18, just like 21 and 25, is just an estimate.
lol, solid endorsement
thanks i think?
found Tim
whats wrong with that?
So much.
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Heh. Tell me your from Utah without telling me you’re from Utah.
I meant more the other direction. Marrying anyone under 30 is crazy. I’m glad it worked out for you but 22 year olds are children that sometimes get blackout drunk for fun. I remember myself and my dating age cohort at 22, any of us making any permanent decision is kinda crazy.
Speak for yourself, I was pretty responsible by 22-ish and got married around then. I’m still happily married.
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Good for you little buddy, your brain wasn’t done and you were uneducated and severely underexperienced in all things but you picked the right choice. Congrats. Sometimes chicken entrails predict the weather, more often than chance even. That doesn’t mean meteorologists are at risk of bird flu.
You sound lonely
I’m kind of sad that you haven’t changed enough to be incompatible with that person. The people I was into at 22 are not the people I am into now.
way to respect other people’s choices, man.
I respect their right to make that choice, even if it’s a shitty choice. And that’s more important.
true words
Maybe they just found a partner who evolved like themself? It doesn’t become a shitty choice for OP, just because you couldn’t imagine it working for you. It would be a shitty choice for OP if it didn’t work for OP
Or each person has evolved in concert…
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thanks for the explanation.
Americans marry early. And often.
Traumatize them back. Best revenge type.
This is not gay. A cock was touched, even stroked, but there is no mention of the soap. Did it fell? Did someone pick it up?
“hear me out man”
“I have an idea for a great prank.”
If touching dick is gay almost every man is a homosexual
What about touching other peoples’ dicks?
My wife is definitely gay then
Dick is dick I’d say
You’re you trying to bend the rules!