The world allowing the few to massacre the many for their personal gain has to be what we reject in the 21st century. We need to start arresting and trying every war monger for the murders they are.
Lost, huh?
Does that mean casualties? As in, not necessarily deaths?
Russia has lost 1,330 soldiers killed and wounded over the past day alone
I would assume the answer is ‘yes.’
Fuck I hate the propaganda reporting on both sides.
I’m going against the grain here, but I just think this is really sad. A lot of these people will have been decent people, loved by decent people and some have been brainwashed. It’s a horrible, terrible human cost cos of a dictator
Putin is ok with these numbers, in fact they need to be higher.
They probably are higher.
Russia just gained 900,000 eligible women in his eyes.
More mail order bribes incoming.
PSA: Losses include dead AND wounded.
If wounded means combat ineffective, I’ll take what I can get.
Not nearly enough, but certainly welcome.
And they all died because one psychopathic old fart simply just wanted to take over majority of or the entire country of another for personal gain.
It’s not mere personal gain with Putin. The man has a vision of returning Russia to glorious Soviet Union. Probably felt kicked in the balls when it all fell apart. Remember, he was the head of the KGB, an extraordinarily powerful man. Maybe even more powerful than the Premier? Dunno.
He likely felt he would quickly crush Ukraine, make them an example, and then move on to other lost, and weaker, countries.
When he SU fell apart he was clerk in stasi.
Hey, that’s not fair! Most of them were not killed, but only mutilated too much to be ableish-bodied enough for the russian army!
(Serious note: this is the casuality number, that includes deaths, but also soldiers with wounds that put them out of service, like lost legs)
And then they send the mutilated back out into the trenches literally.
Armed only with crutches.
Nah, just pick up the crutches from the last guy that was in there.
Does that not include Russians defecting also?
Yeah, but let’s keep hating every russian, because they ‘freely choose to enlist’ and invade other countries. They love being shelled by Nato artillery 🥰
They didn’t freely choose to enlist but if you put a gun in my hand and tell me kill that innocent person I will rather shoot the person giving me the order
I think both of you are oversimplifying.
Choice and freedom take on an entirely different meaning when you have a state media bombarding you with anti-Ukraine propaganda 24/7. It’s easy for us to say from the sidelines that we’d never get swept up in a war against innocents, but probably a lot of the soldiers have been fully indoctrinated with the idea that Ukraine are a threat to their families. Not to mention they probably now have friends and family who have been killed or wounded in this war.
Putin is the real villain here. He not only started the war, he’s the one who has kept it going by his refusal to withdraw troops, silenced political opposition, lied to his population, influenced global politics in his favour by buying elections, and used his subjects as fodder in this pointless war.
It’s fucking twisted the amount of suffering one thoroughly evil man can cause.
What if I told you they’re not an innocent person, they’re a Nazi?
And if you refuse to fight Nazis, maybe it’s because you’re a Nazi yourself, hmm? Maybe we’ll investigate you for that, and keep you in prison while we do. And of course we’ll be investigating your friends and family to see if there are any Nazis there too.
That’s the condensed version, but you get the picture. There’s a lot more going on than just “here’s a gun, kill them”.
They were probably told Ukrain had Weapons of Mass Destruction, and so it’s their DUTY as defenders of freedom to invade and stop these terrorists! … oh, wait
Be conscripted and die, or fight conscription and die.
Cowards to the last man.
I find this difficult to believe. Edit: Wikipedia has a total (both sides) death toll of 160k-290k.
Casualties != Death
See first comment, 900K include wounded too.
As always that this topic gets discussed: dead and wounded
Title says “lost”. I took that to mean killed.
This difficulty to believe it’s actually quite fundamental to what’s happening.
If you like, I invite you to imagine what would be the explanation if these numbers were true. (Even adjusted for being dead and wounded)
IDK but seems probable if anybody on earth can take large amount of casualties, might be the Russians
You have more in common with those soldiers than you do with the warpigs pulling the strings that led them to their deaths.
I’m pretty sure everybody on these websites knows they’re more similar to enlisted soldiers than to Vladimir Putin.
Not everybody, according to some of the comments in this very post.
So… You have a lot of common with people who are ready to go kill in exchange for money?
Oh wowzies.
Also what a damn bad dichotomy: either side with killers for money or those who pay them to kill.
For once, a normal human being will not side with either of.
edit: oh keep them downvotes coming, keep yourself counting all y’all who think killing for money is ok ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
You mean the 18-30 y/o men who are conscripted into compulsory military service for a year? Kinda sounds like a lot of them might not have much choice, barring gulag or suicide, in the matter.
tbf, most Russian conscripts are not involved in the war - men sign theoretically voluntary contracts in exchange for extra pay or reduced service time to be deployed outside of Russia.
That being said, there’s a great deal of coercion that’s involved, so while you can resist pressure to sign a contract, it’s not unreasonable to think that a significant minority felt they really didn’t have a choice.
Ah welcome to your private fantasy land. Enjoy it.
I just believe the righteous antipathy is better leveled at the Russian government, specifically Putin, than the anonymous cannon fodder.
I prefer to hate everyone willing to kill me, my friends, my family, take over my country equally. Especially so, if they do it for money, for ten years.
Hard to grasp such a complex concept, I understand.
I can understand why you feel the way you do and cannot dispute it is a hatred you’ve earned.
Just like I wouldn’t be able to blame any Canadian for hating every US soldier if the US were to invade Canada.
I personally feel bad for every person involved in something as horrible as fighting in a war. I wish their hearts, brains, and energies could instead be employed in something peaceful, helpful, and beneficial for the future.
I agree with both of you.
deleted by creator
The war is about 20 km away from my home town. I took part in two revolutions in order to prevent my home from becoming a totalitarian shithole.
You are wrong in almost every point.
But please, don’t let me stop you from living in your little Narnia, you stupid potato.
Geez man, that really sucks. I’m sorry that’s happening to you and your people.
deleted by creator
“as a black man” vibes
Vibe away
I thought this meme was dead. I miss meme center.
For a lot of people, yeah actually. It’s all relative to each country’s general economy and propaganda, but there are a lot of people around the world either already in the military willing to die or kill for their country because of patriotism or feeling like there’s no other career paths for them, or that would take up the call if conscripted by their country.
Then think about how hitmen, assassins, sicarios and those type of criminals are usually from poverty or lower class and just regular people that descended into a life of crime and kill for money. Yeah, I think it’s actually quite common for regular folk to be killing others for money unfortunately.
have they looked under the couch?
Are they stupid? Just find them!
There’s only a JD Vance there.
Anyone know the number of Americans killed in Vietnam without looking it up?
Tap for spoiler
Interesting comparison. People cheering on those Russian deaths should also be cheering on those American deaths
From an odd point of view, I think it’s been good that world war 2 happened, so that we lost our grip on a lot of countries. Such as Vietnam.
Can’t really say that out loud tho aha
Also I wouldn’t exist without world war 2.
If I didn’t have sex with my wife on that specific night then my specific sperm cell wouldn’t have gone into her specific egg cell.
Existential crisis intensifies
I don’t think your existence depended on your having sex with your wife…
You might be right… unless… time travel 🤨
Plus about 300k “casualties”, which is more apples to apples with the 900k Russians.
Only about 150k Americans seriously wounded in Vietnam.
I would imagine Agent Orange and severe PTSD-induced homelessness or suicide should also contribute to that number.
That’s a fact. Though it’s hard to know what kind of statistic we’re seeing in Russia’s numbers here, by comparison
Yes, yes I do.
This is in no way true is it? Holy shit
Did you miss the article where local officials were giving out meat grinders to the parents of the KIA?
It’s . . . not . . . I don’t . . i mean. Yeah. Putin’s an absolute monster.
If you looked at the news article, the spokesman for the Kremlin mentioned that it was what the parents had “wanted and requested” which makes it look more like the parents taking a subtle jab at the leadership because they then had to publically hand them out.
I’ll be honest: I know next to nothing about the Vietnam War, living in Germany. We just read Slaughterhouse 5 in our English class and that’s it. Given its omnipresence in culture in general, I never would have thought that so “few” people died. Don’t get me wrong - it’s still a lot of people. But compared to the 900000 it’s just a drop in the bucket.
Fuck Putin and what he’s doing to my fellow countrymen/women/people
Most of those killed in Vietnam were Vietnamese civilians
How many of those are From NK or are those numbers not counted?
Not officially as it’s hard to determine the nationality. But it’s a drop in a bucket as NK has seen very limited action in the Kursk region.
Seeing as they are still on their murderous war of conquest, obviously not enough yet.
Good for Ukraine.