Hexbear is far more likely to have users entering and using our comms, being another large socialist instance, albeit dedicated to left unity rather than Marxism like ourselves. I think there is enough of a culture change that we need to have a pinned post for hexbear users coming here explaining what kind of content/attitudes they might see here/what different rules to follow

There should also be a section dedicated to explaining to lemmygrad users to respect hexbear comm rules and what to expect from their users etc.

I think this would help ease any potential cross site struggle sessions

  • Red Wizard 🪄@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    The amount of people in the thread calling it a Black-List and White-List is to damn high. It’s 2023 people, I would hope we could recognize segregationist language and use the alternatives (Block List/Allow List) by now. The industry has been moved on for a while. We don’t use Master and Slave anymore, so let’s get with the program.

    I’m all for more leftists federating, but I can’t help but observe this transition and wince somewhat. Lemmygrad seems to have faired well enough without having to step out of the pool because of the deluge of libs and right wing nutters flooding the pond like stock trout. Even lemmy.ml leans more left still then one might have expected.

    Either the community culture is unified enough to withstand federating, or it’s not. I think it you have to ask, then it’s probably not, and you might need to have the foundation inspected.

    • ImOnADiet (He/Him)@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      I think the people worrying about site culture are just kinda boomers afraid of change, reddit blowing up hasn’t really changed lemmygrad culture in the slightest

  • Water Bowl Slime@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Most instances block us? Then what’s with the spate of traffic and dislikes? Some admins must’ve forgotten to do it I guess

    • ImOnADiet (He/Him)@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      ? I didnt mention that kinda offtopic skipped over the hexbear admin saying that because of the liberal in my head sorry

      regardless we’re still federated with lemmy.world, the biggest instance, and several other smaller instance, but we are indeed one of the most blocked instances

  • Prologue7642@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    To be honest, I don’t think it will be an issue. Although the culture of posts on hexbear is different, I think it is pretty compatible. Maybe just mention things like that you should add CW even for meat/non-vegan products. But that is the only significant difference I can think of. Looking forward to having more comrades here.

    • ImOnADiet (He/Him)@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      I disagree a little, you cannot post the same things about anarchists in hexbear that you can here for instance, they are far more shitposty, etc.

      • Prologue7642@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I agree on shitposting etc. that is what I meant by culture of post being different. But sure you cannot post anti-anarchist stuff on hexbear, but I doubt anyone here is going to post specifically on hexbear with anti-anarchist content, or at least I hope.

        • ImOnADiet (He/Him)@lemmygrad.mlOP
          1 year ago

          Not go there specifically to do that, but if someone from lemmygrad doesnt quite understand the differences between the two sites it could lead them starting arguments around it in hexbear comms etc. i don’t think this is super critical, it wouldn’t be a huge issue or anything, I just want the transition to be as smooth as possible, a lot of hexbear users are skeptical about federation and I think it would be nice for them

  • Dessa@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I was around for the original r/ChapoTrapHouse from which Hexbear eventually spawned. I posted regularly and spent a lot of time there. After they got banned from reddit, they were on discord for a while, where I became a regular poster in the trans channels, and there’s some old bitterness between the entire trans community of that era and Hexbear, with 90% of us (the trans community) being banned for complaining about a moderator who was grooming in the subcommunity. On top of that, this moderator was put in place to moderate this community under the widespread assumption that he was trans, when he was actually cis. That mod was left in place (he was popular mod outside of the trans community) and I don’t know if he’s still there, but almost all of the trans community that wasn’t banned left to join a splinter server. It was clear the moderation didn’t give a shit about us (other than planting a spy in the our server and giving sudden bans to people who supported new administation in an upcoming leadership vote).

    It’s an ancient beef by now, but I deeply distrust them. If they want to come by with genuine apologies, sure, I’m in favor. But I’m not holding my breath. It’s no for me (See below). And I hate to say it because I loved the shitposting and the good times we had

    • ImOnADiet (He/Him)@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Wow holy shit hadn’t heard about this in particular, sorry you had to deal with that comrade. Explains why there was so much struggle about trans people early on in hexbear, especially when it was named chapo.chat from what I can tell (wasn’t there for any of this, but I’ve seen several posts about it pop up when I’ve searched for other things)

      for what it’s worth the strict moderation, pronoun tag and lack of downvotes seems to have mostly fixed it, although I’m not trans so I can’t say for certain

    • ghostOfRoux();@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      When I came over to Lemmy I made an account here and on lemmy.ml. I liked both for different reasons but holy shit has the reddit crap turned lemmy.ml into a liberal shithouse. I kind of hope the libs freak out as well. I liked it over there due to a bit more traffic but now it’s just fucking stale memes and anticomm rhetoric.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Yeah, there’s been a noticeable change after the latest reddit exodus. Still not nearly as bad as reddit was, but a lot of libs are brigading everything now. I do think we should participate there more actively and push back. If done properly it’ll help deprogram at least some people, and I think it would be valuable to have a neutral space that’s friendly to newbie leftists which lemmy.ml has been up to now.

        The thing with libs is that they can’t actually make a coherent argument of their own, and they just rely on mob tactics to shut down any discussion. Once the mob tactics stop working they just go away. This was basically the whole reason beehaw was defederating. These people just know how to repeat a script and when that stops working they’re lost.

  • FuckBigTech347@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Is there a specific date of when they will federate with us that I’m not aware of? Because I don’t see anything other than “soon™”.

    Also there are a lot of people in that thread who don’t seem to understand what lemmy/federation even is or how it works. Despite how worrisome some of their users and rules can be (CW on meat and milk products? That has to be ironic, right?) I’ll still welcome all Hexbears if they follow the rules. I look forward to the day where our communities can finally interact with each other zoidberg salute lemmygrad flag hexbear

    • DarthCaedus@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      It’s not ironic, the admins invited a vegan circlejerk subreddit and started enforcing the party line that “animal liberation is a crucial component of revolutionary praxis” or something like that.

      It still causes struggle sessions.

      • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I think animal liberation should be something that every respectable communist party should support. I’m not a vegan, but I do have vegan sympathies. I’m hopeful that in a future socialist society, there would be enough financing and technological development to have made farming animals seem barbaric and cruel by comparison, and where synthetic/lab-grown meat can become the main option for a majority of the population.

        I think its a matter of when, not if. Or at the very least, I think slaughterhouses and farming can be made much more humane for the animals, since profit won’t be a motivation, and only feeding people will be. No reason not to treat your food to be the equivalent of a luxury resort before you eventually peacefully harvest them.

        • DarthCaedus@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          I would agree wholeheartedly that current practices are industrialized torture.

          I would also agree that in a better future it can be done humanely.

          I even used to be vegan, so I’m not unsympathetic. They just weren’t sending their best to hexbear. literally a circlejerk subreddit 🤷

          • rjs001@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            If it would be humane in the future, isn’t that the same argument as improving worker’s rights under capitalism? We must fully reject exploitation and inequality of all forms, including classism or speciesism.

            • moffintosh@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              Shouln’t we also stop eating plants then? Even if they are fundamentally different beings and have a compleately different understanding of the world

              • from software paypig@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                Please don’t parrot the tired talking point of equating sentient animals with plants. If you are pathologically predisposed to not being able to plant based food, just keep it to yourself instead of regurgitating bad faith arguments.

    • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I was really involved in it a couple years ago because I ran a West Marches DnD server that primarily recruited from Hexbear (I’m not really involved anymore but it’s still going, DM or reply and I’ll shoot you an invite). So I know a lot of the posters relatively well personally (though none of the administrators ever joined). Drama is an understatement and I think it ultimately derives from the administrators feeling like they need to personally intervene in every little issue, inevitably blowing it up into massive proportions.

      The one moment that has stuck with me is when a user (who was a common player in our DnD server, we’ll call her Tammy) made a post mildly criticizing another poster who was making overly saccharine “You are all so valid ❤” posts literally every single day. Basically saying “Hey I get you mean to be nice but this is just annoying”. The other user made a big, long “THIS IS WHY I’M LEAVING HEXBEAR!!!” post and Tammy ends up being not only banned (with a snarky ban message) but accused of being a TERF. TAMMY WAS A TRANS WOMAN. She was eventually unbanned and the conversation got turned into “Making allowances for our Neurodivergent members” which is basically saying “You were in the wrong but it’s okay because you’re a r*tard.”

      Half of the people in our DnD server who were active in Hexbear would eventually be banned; most (myself included) just stopped using it at some point.

      For what it’s worth, as long as we get to keep our downvotes and I don’t have to NSFW-tag my meatposting, I don’t really mind, if anything it’ll be fun to laugh at them when they come in here and complain.

      • m532@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I feel like people who complain about the vegans are sus. As evidenced by the “plant-based beer”, reactionaries want to oppress them. So we as communists should protect them, I’d say.

        • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          I don’t have anything against Vegans who don’t expect me to change my behavior to accommodate them, but Veganism is a political ideology, not an unchangeable personal identity.

          I don’t like it when people put subcultures (esp. Veganism or Furrydom) on par with actual marginalized groups (whether by ethnicity, religion, gender or sexuality, etc.). Hating furries makes you rude. Hating trans people makes you a bigot. How reactionaries care about either group doesn’t enter into the equation at all; I don’t like someone just because bigots hate them. Even the bigot clock is right twice a day.

          Vegans believe that animals have many of the same rights as people. I like some animals (I have a pet cat I love like family), but I fundamentally believe that animals are property and should not have rights beyond that except where their mistreatment negatively impacts humans. These are irreconcilable differences in opinion and while I’ve never gone out of my way to vegan-hate, I want to be able to use Lemmygrad without their interference.

          • m532@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            I assume that the comment above mine was made in bad faith

            “They banned everyone who ever downvoted a trans person, without considering the context”

            I don’t believe this

            • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              What actually happened is that certain posts on the trans community were getting downvotes (thought to be caused by brigadiers), so admins started going through the downvotes on certain posts and banning anyone who downvotes them.

              I don’t believe it was ever automatic, but downvoting a post in the trans community (or, sometimes, announcement posts on other communities regarding trans matters) could always earn that person a ban. Which is kind of bad if, say, they’re downvoting an announcement post about how downvoting posts on the trans community can get you banned because they disagree with it, and basically being told “you wouldn’t disagree with this obviously shitty idea unless you were a transphobe, BANNED”.

              Since they had open account creation, permanent account banning was seen more as a “slap on the wrist” by the admins, who banned people for basically any infraction. In reality the trolls would just make a new account and the only people it would really affect are the good-faith users who made one post that ran afoul of an overzealous moderator.

              • MarxMadness@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                admins started going through the downvotes on certain posts and banning anyone who downvotes them

                It was even more selective than this. They banned people with a pattern of downvoting trans-related posts/comments.

  • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    This is great news.

    I hope everyone sees the potential benefits of a united front of left shitposters in the lemmyverse, exposing people to ideas they’d never see on reddit.

    Struggle sessions over our differences will be inevitable, but I encourage people to be cool and nice to the hexbears, especially over the contentious topics we hold with them.