So how is that ‘awkward hand gesture’ theory going?
They are all just waving away flies. Hitler and Nazis had huge problems with flies, So Hitler developed the perfect way to wave away flies, and since Musk has the same problem because he stinks so much, he has adopted the very efficient German way to wave away flies.
It’s all perfectly innocent, and it makes sense so long you don’t think about it.
“I swear the wokeness was nealy up to herr… I mean here”
I’m surprised Trump wasn’t with it here. He prob couldn’t feel it over the layer of makeup he wears though
It was just an awkward hand gesture. But you libruls kept calling him Nazi and playing Jedi mind tricks so he decided to be one. THIS IS THE LIBRULS FAULT, THEY MADE HIM A NAZI! THIS IS THE LIBRULS AGENDA!
Obvious sarcasm. I sell salt by the truck load.
Obviously Hitler was just sending his heart out to the Jews.
Awkward retweets. Pretty common among people with Musk’s condition ( Nazis)
Hurr durr he’s awkward and autistic
That’s true. An awkward, autistic, Nazi.
Congrats to the ADL on being Nazi accomplices.
Dear early 2014,
Next year, David Bowie will be diagnosed with liver cancer. A year and a half later, it will kill him. It is absolutely imperative that it be found and treated earlier than that, when it hasn’t metastasized yet. Get him diagnosed and treated now. The future of the planet depends on it.
Also, apropos of nothing in particular, here is a bunch of evidence that Donald Trump, the reality show guy who posted all that racist “birther” crap about President Obama, is a tax cheat and a scam artist, and works for Vladimir Putin. Get the IRS on his ass.
Good luck, and may your timeline work out better than ours has.
Nah, the world ended in 2012 like the Mayans predicted.
We’re currently in hell.
Musk is a Canadian citizen so maybe Canadian laws should be enforced
TIL… I thought he was South African (not that I ever cared enough to research). So once Trump annexes Canada he’ll become a US national and be eligible to run for President? Pinky and the Brain level of planning there!
There it is, that’s why he wants Canada so badly
That’d be great, but I’m not sure how Canada is going to enforce Canadian law inside the US, and I imagine that he’s at least smart enough to stay out of Canada.
Ah, but now at least there’s something to keep him from returning.
Sure, Hitler only gave the orders to exterminate millions. That’s totally different…
“I didn’t shoot that guy, I ‘only’ pulled the trigger! The hammer, firing pin, primer, gunpowder, and bullet all acted on their own.”
It’s about responsibility. According to Musk the ruling class cannot be made responsible for anything. Not even Mao, Stalin and Hitler for murdering millions. Also the workers are the bad guys, not the leaders.
Musk Retweets lies Saying Hitler Didn’t Murder Millions
Man, I can’t wait for somebody to
If people have been telling you he wants to be a fascist dictator, but you aren’t quite sure you believe it, how does this not set off alarm bells?
If it walks like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, and heils like a Nazi, it’s a Nazi.
Trying to incite violence on public workers.
Guess I’ll have to triple down on not buying a Tesla then.
That’s illegal per Cheeto Benito
I’ve been ahead of the curve for over a decade! Totally not because I’m a broke SOB who can’t afford an EV anyway…
This is the way. Also, ! and !
Good One, Muskrat!
Double down on the nazi rhetoric. It’s been working great for your businesses, hasn’t it?
What a dumb, pathetic little fucker.
Wait, so what are they doing that they want us not paying attention to? You don’t burn a controversy like this unless you really want peoples’ eyes off of something big.
Pfft. Take your pick.